Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What careers can I pursure with a major in Finance?

I'm going into college next fall and would like to be a Finance major. What careers/jobs would I be able to pursue with this?

What careers can I pursure with a major in Finance?
Why are you majoring in a subject that you have no idea what career opportunities exist?

Should you not determine what skills you have you are good at, see what opportunities are in that area, and then pursue that as a major?
Reply:Accounting positions, CPA, financial adviser, stock broker, banker
Reply:There are a many options available to u once u complete ur degree.U can join a bank as credit officer ,loan officer ,financial analyst ,internal auditor or if u like to work in coporate then u can be a management accountant ,treasury officer ,internal auditor.Then there are opportunities in stock market u can be a broker ,consultant etc.

Finance is a very rewarding career and there is always shortage of accountants but on the other end there are long hours and u ve to be a serious towards ur work .

Hradwork is the key to success and only get into this field if u ve a love 4 numbers and are willing to work 4 long hours .

Best of luck
Reply:A degree in finance may be the steping stone towards acheiving your true long term goals. My suggestion would be to take some time alone and think where you want to be in 10, 15, 20, and 30 years. What do you do best?

Some people work best with others, some work best alone. Some people like to have the same constant pay each month, others like to be able to earn comissions, and some like to have both.

I am in the business field and have many friends in the finance, accounting, and business fields. I enjoy helping others with their financial and business matters.

Financial planners, stock brokers, bankers, accountants (CPA or not) and even people who work for business as the boss, CEOs, and other staff use financial information every day.

Good luck,

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