Saturday, October 24, 2009

How do i finance my business?

I wnt to start a new business,so frm where i cn finance my business?I mean sources of finance,for small as well as large scale business,plz tell me in detail.TELL me the names of banks,organisations with their addresses frm where i cn get good amt.of loan,with less interest and easily available.

THANX!For all ur answers.

How do i finance my business?
Hi Dorothy,

There's a few different places you can start. First, if you didn't already, get a business plan together. Whoever is going to consider financing your business, they'll ask you for one.

Next, you can get in contact with SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives - It is a free service from retired execs on how to start, build and maintain your business. From their website, you can do a zip-code search for the chapter nearest to you. They offer ways for you to get funding (and they'll help you build the business plan if you need).

Also, the Small Business Administration has special loans for starting businesses. The web site is -- right on the front page is a "small business planner" that can help you out as well.

You can also try local banks and credit unions as well. They are more than willing to give out business loans (again, have a business plan handy to give to them). Just be careful and shop it around though, some have higher interest rates than others. Most are "interest only loans" which mean that the payment they set you up with are interest payments only, not principal. After the term of the loan, you've only paid interest and the full principal is then due (although, they'll usually wrap it into another term (usually 1 or 2 year loan) for you).

Both websites can help immensly in your search for funding as well as help you better prepare for opening the doors.

Good luck with your business :)
Reply:1. your own pocket

2. friends, family

3. any normal bank

there is no secret place, special loans, grants, etc to start a business. for a bank loan you will need credit, collateral and a business plan of at least 3 yrs if not 5.
Reply:1st, you need money to get a loan

2nd, try

3rd, try to put a business plan together and take it to your local bank or get a group of investors together.

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