Sunday, October 11, 2009

How should I prepare for a career in Finance?

Here's the deal: I'm a year away from graduating with a bachelor's degree in Business Management Economics. It's essentially an Economics degree with business-oriented upper division electives. Some of the electives include "Corporate Finance," "International Financial Markets", and "Security Markets and Financial Institutions."

How should I start preparing to make myself as hirable as possible post-graduation?

How should I prepare for a career in Finance?
With your particular background, please go for investment banking. It's good you ask this question now, as you have to prepare for this lucrative business before graduation. Get hold of every opportunity to get an intern job from one of the bulge brackets. I am an IB headhunter, in my experience, many of my candidates got their first full time job from their summer intern employers. But you must be good, devoted and have proven ability.
Reply:in your case the timing's perfect to begin to look for a niche in order to give you a stand-out identity. i say this because you will be competing with your peers and you need to stand out from the crowd. do you speak a 2nd language such as spanish or french? latin american capital markets are growing. just to give you an idea. i assume you're reading the wsj daily. if not, start. start with 4 stories per day then increase to 6-8 stories depending on your schedule. when possible, make sure to select at least 1 story with a strong interest rates/fed angle. scribble down unfamiliar terminology, then research them at school. farther down the road, consider enrolling in night academies that will help you to get the CFA or CFP

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