I would like to know more about how to manage the finance, cash flow and other management issues for a restaurant.
Can anyone tell me more about restaurant finance management?
Financial management of restaurants varies depending on the type or restaurant. A fast food restaurant will have different targeted goals than a full service restaurant.
If you are looking for targeted numbers for your variable costs such as labor cost, food cost, liquor cost, beer cost, and wine costs you can use a the industry averages of 30%, 31%, 22%, 28%, 35% respectively.
If you are looking for a more extensive look at restaurant financials I would suggest checking out the site http://www.foodandbeverageunderground.co... where you can get all the food and beverage knowledge to run a restaurant for free.
Good luck and cheers!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
What happens to car on finance when made redundant?
I have had a car on finance for nearly 2 years and i've just been made redundant!!! Whats goin to happen to my car???
What happens to car on finance when made redundant?
Nothing, as long as you find another job and keep the payments up.
If you don't, it will repossessed, and sold at auction, and you will be responsible for the difference between the sale price and what you owed plus the costs of repossession. They are very serious about being paid, and will do whatever it takes to get their money, the debt will not go away, so you will still owe and not have a car to show for it. Also your credit rating will suffer for 6 years.
Reply:Probably will be re-possessed if you cannot make payments.
What happens to car on finance when made redundant?
Nothing, as long as you find another job and keep the payments up.
If you don't, it will repossessed, and sold at auction, and you will be responsible for the difference between the sale price and what you owed plus the costs of repossession. They are very serious about being paid, and will do whatever it takes to get their money, the debt will not go away, so you will still owe and not have a car to show for it. Also your credit rating will suffer for 6 years.
Reply:Probably will be re-possessed if you cannot make payments.
How do i finance my business?
I wnt to start a new business,so frm where i cn finance my business?I mean sources of finance,for small as well as large scale business,plz tell me in detail.TELL me the names of banks,organisations with their addresses frm where i cn get good amt.of loan,with less interest and easily available.
THANX!For all ur answers.
How do i finance my business?
Saving your money and using cash is a great, no risk way to start a business.
THANX!For all ur answers.
How do i finance my business?
Saving your money and using cash is a great, no risk way to start a business.
How do i finance my business?
I wnt to start a new business,so frm where i cn finance my business?I mean sources of finance,for small as well as large scale business,plz tell me in detail.TELL me the names of banks,organisations with their addresses frm where i cn get good amt.of loan,with less interest and easily available.
THANX!For all ur answers.
How do i finance my business?
Hi Dorothy,
There's a few different places you can start. First, if you didn't already, get a business plan together. Whoever is going to consider financing your business, they'll ask you for one.
Next, you can get in contact with SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives - www.score.org). It is a free service from retired execs on how to start, build and maintain your business. From their website, you can do a zip-code search for the chapter nearest to you. They offer ways for you to get funding (and they'll help you build the business plan if you need).
Also, the Small Business Administration has special loans for starting businesses. The web site is www.sba.gov -- right on the front page is a "small business planner" that can help you out as well.
You can also try local banks and credit unions as well. They are more than willing to give out business loans (again, have a business plan handy to give to them). Just be careful and shop it around though, some have higher interest rates than others. Most are "interest only loans" which mean that the payment they set you up with are interest payments only, not principal. After the term of the loan, you've only paid interest and the full principal is then due (although, they'll usually wrap it into another term (usually 1 or 2 year loan) for you).
Both websites can help immensly in your search for funding as well as help you better prepare for opening the doors.
Good luck with your business :)
Reply:1. your own pocket
2. friends, family
3. any normal bank
there is no secret place, special loans, grants, etc to start a business. for a bank loan you will need credit, collateral and a business plan of at least 3 yrs if not 5.
Reply:1st, you need money to get a loan
2nd, try sba.org
3rd, try to put a business plan together and take it to your local bank or get a group of investors together.
THANX!For all ur answers.
How do i finance my business?
Hi Dorothy,
There's a few different places you can start. First, if you didn't already, get a business plan together. Whoever is going to consider financing your business, they'll ask you for one.
Next, you can get in contact with SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives - www.score.org). It is a free service from retired execs on how to start, build and maintain your business. From their website, you can do a zip-code search for the chapter nearest to you. They offer ways for you to get funding (and they'll help you build the business plan if you need).
Also, the Small Business Administration has special loans for starting businesses. The web site is www.sba.gov -- right on the front page is a "small business planner" that can help you out as well.
You can also try local banks and credit unions as well. They are more than willing to give out business loans (again, have a business plan handy to give to them). Just be careful and shop it around though, some have higher interest rates than others. Most are "interest only loans" which mean that the payment they set you up with are interest payments only, not principal. After the term of the loan, you've only paid interest and the full principal is then due (although, they'll usually wrap it into another term (usually 1 or 2 year loan) for you).
Both websites can help immensly in your search for funding as well as help you better prepare for opening the doors.
Good luck with your business :)
Reply:1. your own pocket
2. friends, family
3. any normal bank
there is no secret place, special loans, grants, etc to start a business. for a bank loan you will need credit, collateral and a business plan of at least 3 yrs if not 5.
Reply:1st, you need money to get a loan
2nd, try sba.org
3rd, try to put a business plan together and take it to your local bank or get a group of investors together.
How can I finance my college education?
I am a community college graduate whose father financed my entire three years (I kept switching majors) at a community college. Now, I wish to transfer to South University (a private university). Where can I find the money to finance my final years? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
How can I finance my college education?
Go to www.ed.gov/studentaid to get an over view of Federal student loans and grants. Good luck!
Reply:Student loans, work study, there are number of ways to get money for college.
Reply:Student loans - usually at 6% and they'll give you up to $18,000/yr.
that might help a bit
That is a good place to find scholarships. Also, a private school probably also has scholarships availible. Check with the financial aid office for those.
How can I finance my college education?
Go to www.ed.gov/studentaid to get an over view of Federal student loans and grants. Good luck!
Reply:Student loans, work study, there are number of ways to get money for college.
Reply:Student loans - usually at 6% and they'll give you up to $18,000/yr.
that might help a bit
That is a good place to find scholarships. Also, a private school probably also has scholarships availible. Check with the financial aid office for those.
How do I get started with a finance job in South Africa?
I would very much like to start my career in South Africa. I'm an American with some limited work experience, mostly from internships, and I'm getting my Master of Science in Finance degree. I'm having trouble finding a job over there and I'm concerned that my work status will keep me from getting an interview. What are some steps I should be taking to meet recruiters and become and attractive candidate?
How do I get started with a finance job in South Africa?
Link yourself to professional recruitment agencies in SA and they will align will your preferred finance channels.
A lot of jobs differ in skills needed although work experience is a definite need, finance related jobs require experience!
Junior management jobs are also available for people with your qualifications but most big banks in SA offer catered-for-you posts especially those with research departments like Standard Bank of SA!
Good Luck!
purchase flowers
How do I get started with a finance job in South Africa?
Link yourself to professional recruitment agencies in SA and they will align will your preferred finance channels.
A lot of jobs differ in skills needed although work experience is a definite need, finance related jobs require experience!
Junior management jobs are also available for people with your qualifications but most big banks in SA offer catered-for-you posts especially those with research departments like Standard Bank of SA!
Good Luck!
purchase flowers
How do I make the move from finance/accounting into business development/strategy?
I have two years experience in an internal audit/corporate governance setting. Graduated two years ago in Finance.
How do I make the move from finance/accounting into business development/strategy?
if your company is large you may easily transition into a line of business role. potentially in a financial or operations analyst role for starters. learn the business of business as your next step. good luck
How do I make the move from finance/accounting into business development/strategy?
if your company is large you may easily transition into a line of business role. potentially in a financial or operations analyst role for starters. learn the business of business as your next step. good luck
What kind of jobs are there for finance, math or econ major?
I am a freshmen at UH. I havent decided my major yet. I am intend to major in finance, math or economic. Can anyone give me some ideas about jobs for these majors?
What kind of jobs are there for finance, math or econ major?
accounting, ibanking, analysts, traders, risk management would be a good one for high paying job.
actuarial science is worth looking into, professors, researchers.
although i minor in it, i find it pretty useless on its own. maybe consultanting, stock anaylst? again reserachers.
hope it helps.
Reply:try accounting thats in the finance feild or be a math professor in the math as for economics idk
What kind of jobs are there for finance, math or econ major?
accounting, ibanking, analysts, traders, risk management would be a good one for high paying job.
actuarial science is worth looking into, professors, researchers.
although i minor in it, i find it pretty useless on its own. maybe consultanting, stock anaylst? again reserachers.
hope it helps.
Reply:try accounting thats in the finance feild or be a math professor in the math as for economics idk
Is joining the finance corps of the military a good idea?
I am graduating in May 2009 with a bachelor's degree in accounting. I want to serve my country and I think the military is a great idea. I've been doing my research and I am wondering how it works to join the finance corps. Must I go through OCS? Will I have a better chance of success having my degree in the field of finance/accounting? I basically need some information on the whole process and how long it takes. Thanks for the help!
Is joining the finance corps of the military a good idea?
Finance Corps? What branch are you joining? In the Navy Logistics/Supply has all the $$ related jobs.
Reply:What branch? I think the in the Navy it's called the Supply Corps which is okay. Yes, they go through OCS, but they aren't "Line" officers, they are "Staff" officers therefore they never really have command.
More info on OTS
OTS is 12 weeks long. It's where you learn how to be a military person.
Job descriptions in the Finance field.
Someone else can fill you in on the other services. I hope I've answered some of your questions with these links.
The best thing to do now is to talk to a recruiter. See if you're physically qualified and get in shape and lose weight if you need to.
Good Luck!!
Is joining the finance corps of the military a good idea?
Finance Corps? What branch are you joining? In the Navy Logistics/Supply has all the $$ related jobs.
Reply:What branch? I think the in the Navy it's called the Supply Corps which is okay. Yes, they go through OCS, but they aren't "Line" officers, they are "Staff" officers therefore they never really have command.
More info on OTS
OTS is 12 weeks long. It's where you learn how to be a military person.
Job descriptions in the Finance field.
Someone else can fill you in on the other services. I hope I've answered some of your questions with these links.
The best thing to do now is to talk to a recruiter. See if you're physically qualified and get in shape and lose weight if you need to.
Good Luck!!
What are the extra skills should i have if i choose my carrier in finance?
i did my ug in english literatur, my pg mba finance both in distance.
what extra qualification should i have in the same field. i dont have exp, in the field, doing my pg. can any body suggest some courses and in which sector i can get a job with good pay. i have exp as front office and back office executive in a reputed company.
What are the extra skills should i have if i choose my carrier in finance?
If you want to be a qualified Accountant. Take the ACCA exams. Good Luck!
fruit gift baskets
i did my ug in english literatur, my pg mba finance both in distance.
what extra qualification should i have in the same field. i dont have exp, in the field, doing my pg. can any body suggest some courses and in which sector i can get a job with good pay. i have exp as front office and back office executive in a reputed company.
What are the extra skills should i have if i choose my carrier in finance?
If you want to be a qualified Accountant. Take the ACCA exams. Good Luck!
fruit gift baskets
How do i finance my business?
I wnt to start a new business,so frm where i cn finance my business?I mean sources of finance,for small as well as large scale business,plz tell me in detail.TELL me the names of banks,organisations with their addresses frm where i cn get good amt.of loan,with less interest and easily available.
THANX!For all ur answers.
How do i finance my business?
The best that i can tell you is to contact the SBA (small business association)@www.sba.gov. There are a lot of backers for small businesses especially if you are a woman or a minority. What I found most helpful was going into the library. There is a "Starting your own business for Dummies" book and lots of other home business start up books and most have suggestions for financial investors.
THANX!For all ur answers.
How do i finance my business?
The best that i can tell you is to contact the SBA (small business association)@www.sba.gov. There are a lot of backers for small businesses especially if you are a woman or a minority. What I found most helpful was going into the library. There is a "Starting your own business for Dummies" book and lots of other home business start up books and most have suggestions for financial investors.
How to find a grad job in finance/ accounting?
I am just graduating this year and want to know how best to approach getting a graduate job in finance next year. I have experience but i dont really know how best to approach it
How to find a grad job in finance/ accounting?
Well, first off you'll need an updated resume. You'll want to list your experience, both educational and practical. Make sure you include your goals and aspirations, be careful to word it loosely enough to garner interest outside of your immediate desires. Your college should have a placement service available, they can help you with interested employers and a repository for students' resumes. Decide where you want to live and start a newspaper subscription in that locale, paying close attention to the financial section of the help wanted ads. Go online and create an account with various employment search engines; e.g., Monster.com, Yahoo.com, etc.
Reply:Let me know when you find out.
How to find a grad job in finance/ accounting?
Well, first off you'll need an updated resume. You'll want to list your experience, both educational and practical. Make sure you include your goals and aspirations, be careful to word it loosely enough to garner interest outside of your immediate desires. Your college should have a placement service available, they can help you with interested employers and a repository for students' resumes. Decide where you want to live and start a newspaper subscription in that locale, paying close attention to the financial section of the help wanted ads. Go online and create an account with various employment search engines; e.g., Monster.com, Yahoo.com, etc.
Reply:Let me know when you find out.
Whats a good book to understand intermediate Finance?
I have been following the credit crisis closely but does anyone know of a good book to explain the terms and principles of finance.
Things like ETFs bonds CDS Treasury bills prefernce shares, these sort of terms?
Whats a good book to understand intermediate Finance?
I dunno.
Things like ETFs bonds CDS Treasury bills prefernce shares, these sort of terms?
Whats a good book to understand intermediate Finance?
I dunno.
How do I find someone to finance me to buy a double wide with a foundation?
I am a single mother of one and I am trying to buy a house and I found one that I love but I can't find someone to finance me. It was built in 1970.
How do I find someone to finance me to buy a double wide with a foundation?
I specialize in double wide loans.....there is a few documents and info i need to see if i can help you
Reply:Will you be buying the land it is on? If so it is considered a SFR just like every other house out there and you should have no problem finding financeing. You can listen to my radio show about mortgages and real estate and maybe we can help you with your purchase of that home. www.daveandj.com the dave and J Show
Reply:I have a list of some good websites offering Mortage Loans with low Interest rate and fast approval. Its a policy voilation of yahoo if i post any link here.
Just mail me at solidoffer11@yahoo.com with subjet- Mortage Loans. I will send a link of best website where you can find best Loan offers,tips and resources.
best wishes
How do I find someone to finance me to buy a double wide with a foundation?
I specialize in double wide loans.....there is a few documents and info i need to see if i can help you
Reply:Will you be buying the land it is on? If so it is considered a SFR just like every other house out there and you should have no problem finding financeing. You can listen to my radio show about mortgages and real estate and maybe we can help you with your purchase of that home. www.daveandj.com the dave and J Show
Reply:I have a list of some good websites offering Mortage Loans with low Interest rate and fast approval. Its a policy voilation of yahoo if i post any link here.
Just mail me at solidoffer11@yahoo.com with subjet- Mortage Loans. I will send a link of best website where you can find best Loan offers,tips and resources.
best wishes
Where can I find funds to finance programs for military children?
I am looking for a source for grant money that will finance a special entertainment/educational program for children of soldiers who are deployed.
Where can I find funds to finance programs for military children?
I would suggest talking with the ACS
Reply:You actually have to write a grant and then find prospectors. You can get some help by talking to the grant writer in your home town. The city offices or the schools would know who to talk to .
Where can I find funds to finance programs for military children?
I would suggest talking with the ACS
Reply:You actually have to write a grant and then find prospectors. You can get some help by talking to the grant writer in your home town. The city offices or the schools would know who to talk to .
What are good sources for Campaign Finance?
I need easy and good informative information that will make a 10 page paper easier. The questions are 1. Should limits be put on funds to prevent money from buying public policy? What are the rules right now and what should the actual rules be? Do we need public finance for elections? Lower the limits on giving or should money be largely unregulated?
What are good sources for Campaign Finance?
Why would we do you school work for you? It's called research.
What are good sources for Campaign Finance?
Why would we do you school work for you? It's called research.
Is buying a car with finance on it dodgy?
I want to buy a car through a private sale, but the car still has finance on it. The seller says he will pay the balance of finance as soon he gets the money from the car sale? If he didn't though, would I be liable for the finance payments as the new car owner?
Is buying a car with finance on it dodgy?
I agree with what has been Stated above from all ....
But ...
If the price seems real good and you decide to do the deal...
Be aware ...
NEVER give the cash over to the person ! Tell them you want to pay the Note holder (lender) yourself and you want the Title work all signed the same day you PAY for the Car or Truck...
Never take over payments, Never except someone else's Word that all they need to do is Pay someone and get back to you...
Check the car over .... And have someone check it out with you , if you don't know cars.
Good Luck....
Reply:It's not a problem, but you must do things correctly to cover yourself.
The seller should get a settlement figure from the finance company, and if you want to complete the purchase, I suggest that you meet the seller, look over the settlement figure in writing, then you send a cheque to the finance company %26amp; pay the balance to the seller. You'll then be certain that the money has been paid %26amp; the car's legally yours.
Just make sure that the cheque is yours %26amp; you physically post it yourself - preferably by recorded delivery.
Reply:Now don't just take my word for this, double check it out yourself.
I bought a car cash from a feller that was asking £2000, I got him down to £1K and smelled a rat. His first asking price was reasonable, when he dropped 50% it looked a bit weird.
I double checked his paper work, his ID etc, handed him the cash , he wanted cash, I got a receipt and had his car and paperwork , I re registered it in my name.
About a month later I had a call at the door , repo men! I confirmed I had bought the car and showed them the receipt.
They asked if I had bought the car, they told me their was no problem for me, but there was HP outstanding and they would get it back from the feller that owed it, they couldnt touch the car, I had bought it.
This has been quite some time ago, the law may have changed, double check!!
Reply:If the car has finance on it, it is owned by the finance company until the debt is cleared. In the eyes of the law, the 'seller' does not own the car.
It is illegal for them to sell the car, without paying back the finance FIRST.
Don't touch it with a bargepole - you will get burned...
Reply:The finance has to be clear before he can sell it to you. You will never get the amount of money from the sale of a car to pay the finance off because of the deprecation off the value of the said car. the person that take out the finance is responsible for paying it of.
Reply:You won't be liable for they payments, you will be liable to lose the car. It belongs in law to the finance company, no matter what is on the registration document, and they are quite within their rights to repossess it.
Reply:More likely, the buyer will scarper with your money, and the finance company will repossess your car. Let him pay off the finance first, before even considering parting with your hard earned cash.
Reply:i wouldn't bother, when you have this feeling of what you are feeling when you wrote this question, just move on, its safer
Is buying a car with finance on it dodgy?
I agree with what has been Stated above from all ....
But ...
If the price seems real good and you decide to do the deal...
Be aware ...
NEVER give the cash over to the person ! Tell them you want to pay the Note holder (lender) yourself and you want the Title work all signed the same day you PAY for the Car or Truck...
Never take over payments, Never except someone else's Word that all they need to do is Pay someone and get back to you...
Check the car over .... And have someone check it out with you , if you don't know cars.
Good Luck....
Reply:It's not a problem, but you must do things correctly to cover yourself.
The seller should get a settlement figure from the finance company, and if you want to complete the purchase, I suggest that you meet the seller, look over the settlement figure in writing, then you send a cheque to the finance company %26amp; pay the balance to the seller. You'll then be certain that the money has been paid %26amp; the car's legally yours.
Just make sure that the cheque is yours %26amp; you physically post it yourself - preferably by recorded delivery.
Reply:Now don't just take my word for this, double check it out yourself.
I bought a car cash from a feller that was asking £2000, I got him down to £1K and smelled a rat. His first asking price was reasonable, when he dropped 50% it looked a bit weird.
I double checked his paper work, his ID etc, handed him the cash , he wanted cash, I got a receipt and had his car and paperwork , I re registered it in my name.
About a month later I had a call at the door , repo men! I confirmed I had bought the car and showed them the receipt.
They asked if I had bought the car, they told me their was no problem for me, but there was HP outstanding and they would get it back from the feller that owed it, they couldnt touch the car, I had bought it.
This has been quite some time ago, the law may have changed, double check!!
Reply:If the car has finance on it, it is owned by the finance company until the debt is cleared. In the eyes of the law, the 'seller' does not own the car.
It is illegal for them to sell the car, without paying back the finance FIRST.
Don't touch it with a bargepole - you will get burned...
Reply:The finance has to be clear before he can sell it to you. You will never get the amount of money from the sale of a car to pay the finance off because of the deprecation off the value of the said car. the person that take out the finance is responsible for paying it of.
Reply:You won't be liable for they payments, you will be liable to lose the car. It belongs in law to the finance company, no matter what is on the registration document, and they are quite within their rights to repossess it.
Reply:More likely, the buyer will scarper with your money, and the finance company will repossess your car. Let him pay off the finance first, before even considering parting with your hard earned cash.
Reply:i wouldn't bother, when you have this feeling of what you are feeling when you wrote this question, just move on, its safer
Is it possible for me to finance a new car?
I am a 22-year-old female student with little credit and nobody to co-sign with me. Does it sound possible for me to finance a Toyota Yaris, and how high do you think the interest rate would be??
Is it possible for me to finance a new car?
Some places will offer you a car loan knowing that you will be graduating soon. If you get the right lender they might even defer your payment until 3 months post Grad. a lender like this is hard to find but they are out there you just need to tell them your situation and hope for the best.
Reply:I don't see you being able to get a new car at $800 a month. With little credit, your interest rate will be SKY HIGH. However, if you don't have any other bills or don't pay rent, perhaps you will have a chance when they look at your income/debt ratio. It's going to be a STRETCH without a co-signer, but it's worth a shot.
Good luck!
Reply:It would be hard for you to get financing unless your putting a good amount of money down. The banks like to be in an equity position if they know your credit isnt great. beside the fact that $800 you make is before your normal expenses and the full coverage insurance you'll need.
Reply:Add to the Toy Manager.... your best best for any 'deal' is going to be an internet manager... even better than in the showroom. Also, the way to save a ton of cash is to NOT buy new.... find rental returns, showroom models, lease returns, that sort of thing ;)
Reply:The USA has fallen on hard times'
The US dollar is at its lowest and will continue to fall, our deficit is frightening!
We continue to lose a huge amount of jobs every month due to a declining industry and foreign trade.
Truthfully, walk into "ANY" car dealership in the USA with a cocky attitude and i guarantee you will leave with a vehicle!
The auto dealers will fall over one another to sell you a car, foreign or domestic.
Honda and Toyota sales have been at an all time low.
Remember, NEVER walk into a car dealer as if they are doing you a favor.
You are the individual doing the favor by allowing the dealership to survive another month!
Stop being naive or down' get over to the dealer and buy a car, if the dealer becomes cocky simply say: my money is good anywhere, then proceed to another dealer.
If i were a car dealer and you walked into my showroom i promise you would leave the same night with a new car at a good price.
Dealerships, foreign or domestic make a hugh amount of money on both new and used vehicles; a legal thief!
The pseudo statements provided from other individual is positive proof they have been hood-winked into believing lies; so sad.
Reply:You don't make enough money for a new car so forget it. I know you don't want to hear it, but no bank is going to approve a loan on a $14000 car for someone who makes $800 a month.
Reply:I'm sure it's possible for you to get a loan, but it will be at a VERY high interest rate and probably not worth it in the long run. All you can do is go to the dealer and tell them what you want to spend for a Yaris monthly (don't give them your highest) and they should work something out with you.
Reply:you can try but i doubt it. dont get desperate and do business with some used car dealer who will give you credit-----but charge you a lot more than the car is worth and charge you double the going interest rate. [ it happens ] you might ask a new car dealer if they could recomend a honest used car dealer who sells older cars. lots of times when they take a car in on trade they wholesale it to a used car dealer. good luck
Reply:Yes you will deff be able to finance a car. I did when I was 19 and I financed everything (registration etc) I had a higher interest rate but after about a year of paying payments on time you can refinance your loan to get a lower interest rate (which is what I did). If I was you i would look into Hyundai Elentra. They have a lot better warranty (10 years or 100,000 miles) then Toyota and the car is A LOT better made, not cheaply made at all! I have test driven a Yaris and it has no electric anything, very cheaply made and for its price. You want to get a good car for your money and truly a Yaris isn't worth it at all. To have a really good warranty is important too because then you know you wont have to put any extra money into anything that goes wrong with the car for a long time. I bought my car a year ago (pontiac G6) and I really wish I went Hyundai.
Reply:800 a month is not enough for you to afford a new car.
You are looking at 400 for a payment then 100 or more a month for insurance. 200-300 for gas just to get back and forth to work and then maintenance such as tires and oil change and filters.
You cant aford a new car. Therefore no one will finance you.
If you could finance it you would probably get some outrageous interest probably above 15% wich is outrageous. Don't ever take about 10% on a car loan. 4% is good if you have good credit.
azalea tree
Is it possible for me to finance a new car?
Some places will offer you a car loan knowing that you will be graduating soon. If you get the right lender they might even defer your payment until 3 months post Grad. a lender like this is hard to find but they are out there you just need to tell them your situation and hope for the best.
Reply:I don't see you being able to get a new car at $800 a month. With little credit, your interest rate will be SKY HIGH. However, if you don't have any other bills or don't pay rent, perhaps you will have a chance when they look at your income/debt ratio. It's going to be a STRETCH without a co-signer, but it's worth a shot.
Good luck!
Reply:It would be hard for you to get financing unless your putting a good amount of money down. The banks like to be in an equity position if they know your credit isnt great. beside the fact that $800 you make is before your normal expenses and the full coverage insurance you'll need.
Reply:Add to the Toy Manager.... your best best for any 'deal' is going to be an internet manager... even better than in the showroom. Also, the way to save a ton of cash is to NOT buy new.... find rental returns, showroom models, lease returns, that sort of thing ;)
Reply:The USA has fallen on hard times'
The US dollar is at its lowest and will continue to fall, our deficit is frightening!
We continue to lose a huge amount of jobs every month due to a declining industry and foreign trade.
Truthfully, walk into "ANY" car dealership in the USA with a cocky attitude and i guarantee you will leave with a vehicle!
The auto dealers will fall over one another to sell you a car, foreign or domestic.
Honda and Toyota sales have been at an all time low.
Remember, NEVER walk into a car dealer as if they are doing you a favor.
You are the individual doing the favor by allowing the dealership to survive another month!
Stop being naive or down' get over to the dealer and buy a car, if the dealer becomes cocky simply say: my money is good anywhere, then proceed to another dealer.
If i were a car dealer and you walked into my showroom i promise you would leave the same night with a new car at a good price.
Dealerships, foreign or domestic make a hugh amount of money on both new and used vehicles; a legal thief!
The pseudo statements provided from other individual is positive proof they have been hood-winked into believing lies; so sad.
Reply:You don't make enough money for a new car so forget it. I know you don't want to hear it, but no bank is going to approve a loan on a $14000 car for someone who makes $800 a month.
Reply:I'm sure it's possible for you to get a loan, but it will be at a VERY high interest rate and probably not worth it in the long run. All you can do is go to the dealer and tell them what you want to spend for a Yaris monthly (don't give them your highest) and they should work something out with you.
Reply:you can try but i doubt it. dont get desperate and do business with some used car dealer who will give you credit-----but charge you a lot more than the car is worth and charge you double the going interest rate. [ it happens ] you might ask a new car dealer if they could recomend a honest used car dealer who sells older cars. lots of times when they take a car in on trade they wholesale it to a used car dealer. good luck
Reply:Yes you will deff be able to finance a car. I did when I was 19 and I financed everything (registration etc) I had a higher interest rate but after about a year of paying payments on time you can refinance your loan to get a lower interest rate (which is what I did). If I was you i would look into Hyundai Elentra. They have a lot better warranty (10 years or 100,000 miles) then Toyota and the car is A LOT better made, not cheaply made at all! I have test driven a Yaris and it has no electric anything, very cheaply made and for its price. You want to get a good car for your money and truly a Yaris isn't worth it at all. To have a really good warranty is important too because then you know you wont have to put any extra money into anything that goes wrong with the car for a long time. I bought my car a year ago (pontiac G6) and I really wish I went Hyundai.
Reply:800 a month is not enough for you to afford a new car.
You are looking at 400 for a payment then 100 or more a month for insurance. 200-300 for gas just to get back and forth to work and then maintenance such as tires and oil change and filters.
You cant aford a new car. Therefore no one will finance you.
If you could finance it you would probably get some outrageous interest probably above 15% wich is outrageous. Don't ever take about 10% on a car loan. 4% is good if you have good credit.
azalea tree
What Can i do when a finance company does not offer a reasonable compensation quote?
our holiday was totally ruined when a well known finance company lost my partners passport and had sent it to a wrong address twice. my partner and child could not fly out with me and the rest of our family group till 3 days before we were due to fly back home.
the distress was unbelievable. epecially at the airport.
they have offered to pay for the holiday with a small amount of spending money ie £500 between 6 members of immediate family.
What Can i do when a finance company does not offer a reasonable compensation quote?
Typical. Keep fighting and don't accept what they are offering. Take it to the Ombudsman and see if they can get involved on your behalf or right to The Daily Express who have a 'ripped off' type page and maybe they can battle it for you. Get every conversation dated and timed and try and keep the conversation in note form.
Reply:You can always refuse the first offer. Often there is room for negotiation and the 1st offer they make is the lowest they can get away with. Try stamping your feet a bit and tell them its not good enough. Lay it on thick. Anyone else would
Reply:Sue them.
Reply:i dont know
the distress was unbelievable. epecially at the airport.
they have offered to pay for the holiday with a small amount of spending money ie £500 between 6 members of immediate family.
What Can i do when a finance company does not offer a reasonable compensation quote?
Typical. Keep fighting and don't accept what they are offering. Take it to the Ombudsman and see if they can get involved on your behalf or right to The Daily Express who have a 'ripped off' type page and maybe they can battle it for you. Get every conversation dated and timed and try and keep the conversation in note form.
Reply:You can always refuse the first offer. Often there is room for negotiation and the 1st offer they make is the lowest they can get away with. Try stamping your feet a bit and tell them its not good enough. Lay it on thick. Anyone else would
Reply:Sue them.
Reply:i dont know
What if i bought a car which is still under finance (not my name)? Can I resell it?
I bought a car from someone. He didn't tell me about the car is under finance . I have successfully registered the car with RTA under my name and now I'd like to resell it, here is a few questions:
1. Do I have to notify the bank? But I just bought the car from trading post, I have lost the contact of previous owner.
2. What will happen if the previous owner not paying the installment?
3. Will the car be towed because the ex-owner not paying the finance?
P.S. I found it under finance because I tried to sell it to dealer and they told me so.
What if i bought a car which is still under finance (not my name)? Can I resell it?
This is a sticky one! Usually if a car is under finance it cannot be sold without the loan being paid out. I'm wondering if the previous owner paid it out after you bought it, if not I suggest you contact a solicitor and just ask where you stand as the man you purchased the car from has broken the law and perhaps there is a way around it but a solicitor will be able to tell you that and if so how it can be done. You can ring some solicitors for free advice. Good luck, I really hope you can sort it out!
Reply:I do not quite understand what you said, but basically you just changed the name on the title but the bank still has the LIEN. In other words, you could not sell the car cause officially the bank has LEGAL possession of the car. The person who sold it to you without notifying the bank "RIPPED" you off. What would happen is that you would have to pay off the loan to legally take possession of the car title.
You will have to notify bank. What would happen is that you got screwed. Tne bank would have the owner's info. Hopefully, there is not too much left to pay on the car to make it worth your while.
Next time, you can get the VIN number and check for a clear title. If you paid by check, maybe you can file a suit or something. You would have to talk to a lawyer about that.
Also remember, if you decide to pay the car off, FIND OUT who will be the title holder. Cause if you pay on it, it would be bad for you to go to the legality of having to find the guy to sign the title over. He could just come and repossess "his car" and leave you up the creek.
Reply:When you buy a car, one of the things you get is the title paper, with the seller's signature releasing his interest in the car. The title will show the seller as registered owner, and the bank as legal owner. The first thing you do is to talk to the bank, find out what the loan terms and current balance are, whether the loan is current, and whether they are okay on your assuming it -- and you do this before you give the seller any money. Now, you are on the hook for the original loan, which may cost you thousands of dollars to pay off. Talk to the DMV to find the seller, and the bank to see what can be done to clean up this mess. You can not legally sell the car without a valid title, and you do not have one.
Reply:You need to look at the title.The financial institutions name will be listed on that title for the car.If the title does in fact have a banks name in the leinholders section then the car is not legally yours.You must obtain a title for your car before you can assume anything
Reply:The bank still holds the title to the car. You do not own the car. If the previous owner did not pay off the bank when he sold you the car then he is guilty of fraud. You should have demanded the title when you purchased the car.
At this point I think you should go to the local sheriff's office and tell him your situation. I am surprised that you were able to register the car in your name without proof of ownership.
The only way you could possibly sell the car at this point is to pay off the bank and get the title in your name, however, you should have the previous owner to sign the title over to you.
Reply:You need proper paper work showing you bought the car and have it insured. You should have done the deal with the finance co to start with. You should get an attorney and still be prepared to lose the car.
1. Do I have to notify the bank? But I just bought the car from trading post, I have lost the contact of previous owner.
2. What will happen if the previous owner not paying the installment?
3. Will the car be towed because the ex-owner not paying the finance?
P.S. I found it under finance because I tried to sell it to dealer and they told me so.
What if i bought a car which is still under finance (not my name)? Can I resell it?
This is a sticky one! Usually if a car is under finance it cannot be sold without the loan being paid out. I'm wondering if the previous owner paid it out after you bought it, if not I suggest you contact a solicitor and just ask where you stand as the man you purchased the car from has broken the law and perhaps there is a way around it but a solicitor will be able to tell you that and if so how it can be done. You can ring some solicitors for free advice. Good luck, I really hope you can sort it out!
Reply:I do not quite understand what you said, but basically you just changed the name on the title but the bank still has the LIEN. In other words, you could not sell the car cause officially the bank has LEGAL possession of the car. The person who sold it to you without notifying the bank "RIPPED" you off. What would happen is that you would have to pay off the loan to legally take possession of the car title.
You will have to notify bank. What would happen is that you got screwed. Tne bank would have the owner's info. Hopefully, there is not too much left to pay on the car to make it worth your while.
Next time, you can get the VIN number and check for a clear title. If you paid by check, maybe you can file a suit or something. You would have to talk to a lawyer about that.
Also remember, if you decide to pay the car off, FIND OUT who will be the title holder. Cause if you pay on it, it would be bad for you to go to the legality of having to find the guy to sign the title over. He could just come and repossess "his car" and leave you up the creek.
Reply:When you buy a car, one of the things you get is the title paper, with the seller's signature releasing his interest in the car. The title will show the seller as registered owner, and the bank as legal owner. The first thing you do is to talk to the bank, find out what the loan terms and current balance are, whether the loan is current, and whether they are okay on your assuming it -- and you do this before you give the seller any money. Now, you are on the hook for the original loan, which may cost you thousands of dollars to pay off. Talk to the DMV to find the seller, and the bank to see what can be done to clean up this mess. You can not legally sell the car without a valid title, and you do not have one.
Reply:You need to look at the title.The financial institutions name will be listed on that title for the car.If the title does in fact have a banks name in the leinholders section then the car is not legally yours.You must obtain a title for your car before you can assume anything
Reply:The bank still holds the title to the car. You do not own the car. If the previous owner did not pay off the bank when he sold you the car then he is guilty of fraud. You should have demanded the title when you purchased the car.
At this point I think you should go to the local sheriff's office and tell him your situation. I am surprised that you were able to register the car in your name without proof of ownership.
The only way you could possibly sell the car at this point is to pay off the bank and get the title in your name, however, you should have the previous owner to sign the title over to you.
Reply:You need proper paper work showing you bought the car and have it insured. You should have done the deal with the finance co to start with. You should get an attorney and still be prepared to lose the car.
How to sell a car on finance?
My car is on Auto loan with a bank. Now I am trying to sell it privately after 7 months. When I advertise, do I have to state that the car is on Finance?
How to sell a car on finance?
you can do it either way just make sure you know what your payoff is. when you sell it you will need to go directly to the bank and get the title from them and if they are not close by, you should tell who ever is buying the vehicle it will take 2 weeks after you payoff the vehicle to get the title. best bet is to pay it off first, if that's not possible then, sell it, send the bank the money, give the car to the new owner and tell him/her as soon as you receive the title you will send it to him/her. but either way you will need to explain it at some point and you can even get the bank to send it directly to the new owner , just call them when its sold and ask how they want you to handle it. they are more than capable of giving the title directly to the new owner.
good luck!
ps you dont need to call the "ad agency" or the "lender" and ask permissionto sell your car ....its your car, you can do whatever you want with it. these poeple do not know what they are talking about.
once again i am left with the trouble of telling you the other answers are b.s. they dont know and shouldnt even give an answer with little or no merritt. its a real shame that people come here with whole hearted questions and get answers from teenagers and people that cannot guve sound advice.
listen to who ever you want but you should listen to someone that does this everyday for a living.
good luck!
Reply:You need not put it in the advertisement, but you really do need to find a way to satisfy the auto loan. This is a secured debt, and the car is collateral. Unless the debt is satisfied, you won't be able to give a clean title to the buyer. This will make most buyers run in fear (because the car will get repossesed if you default on the loan).
Reply:Nope, you might have to explain why you have to wait on the title to come after you pay it off but you do not have to disclose you have a loan on it.
Reply:Your best bet is be upfront and honest about this as if they do decide to buy, they will find out. Better sooner than later because later may cost you a sale. But if it's stated that the car is still owned by a bank, most buyers will know that they won't get the title or registration immediately as they would from a person who owns the car. You can tell them later, but you'll have to deal with the fallout and angry people have been known to do things they would not ordinarily do.
If they're really interested in buying the car and don't mind waiting, there's no harm. Be careful, do not allow anyone to test drive it without you and preferably a male companion in it.
Reply:it would be the honest thing to do.
Reply:Most states you have to disclose it , but not necessarily in a for sale ad , you could check with who you are doing the ad with and they will advise you . The buyer will try to talk you down to your payoff amount , hold your ground . good luck
Reply:Yes you do.
But before you advertise you must contact the finance company and seek their permission to sell the car.
My car is on Auto loan with a bank. Now I am trying to sell it privately after 7 months. When I advertise, do I have to state that the car is on Finance?
How to sell a car on finance?
you can do it either way just make sure you know what your payoff is. when you sell it you will need to go directly to the bank and get the title from them and if they are not close by, you should tell who ever is buying the vehicle it will take 2 weeks after you payoff the vehicle to get the title. best bet is to pay it off first, if that's not possible then, sell it, send the bank the money, give the car to the new owner and tell him/her as soon as you receive the title you will send it to him/her. but either way you will need to explain it at some point and you can even get the bank to send it directly to the new owner , just call them when its sold and ask how they want you to handle it. they are more than capable of giving the title directly to the new owner.
good luck!
ps you dont need to call the "ad agency" or the "lender" and ask permissionto sell your car ....its your car, you can do whatever you want with it. these poeple do not know what they are talking about.
once again i am left with the trouble of telling you the other answers are b.s. they dont know and shouldnt even give an answer with little or no merritt. its a real shame that people come here with whole hearted questions and get answers from teenagers and people that cannot guve sound advice.
listen to who ever you want but you should listen to someone that does this everyday for a living.
good luck!
Reply:You need not put it in the advertisement, but you really do need to find a way to satisfy the auto loan. This is a secured debt, and the car is collateral. Unless the debt is satisfied, you won't be able to give a clean title to the buyer. This will make most buyers run in fear (because the car will get repossesed if you default on the loan).
Reply:Nope, you might have to explain why you have to wait on the title to come after you pay it off but you do not have to disclose you have a loan on it.
Reply:Your best bet is be upfront and honest about this as if they do decide to buy, they will find out. Better sooner than later because later may cost you a sale. But if it's stated that the car is still owned by a bank, most buyers will know that they won't get the title or registration immediately as they would from a person who owns the car. You can tell them later, but you'll have to deal with the fallout and angry people have been known to do things they would not ordinarily do.
If they're really interested in buying the car and don't mind waiting, there's no harm. Be careful, do not allow anyone to test drive it without you and preferably a male companion in it.
Reply:it would be the honest thing to do.
Reply:Most states you have to disclose it , but not necessarily in a for sale ad , you could check with who you are doing the ad with and they will advise you . The buyer will try to talk you down to your payoff amount , hold your ground . good luck
Reply:Yes you do.
But before you advertise you must contact the finance company and seek their permission to sell the car.
What would be my career options for a degree in Business with a finance concentration?
I am starting back to school to get a Bachelor of Science Business Administration (BSBA) with a concentration in Finance. What would be my career options once I graduate?
What would be my career options for a degree in Business with a finance concentration?
Corporate consulting. At least once you have some real and successful on the job experiences to consult about!
Other than that, an entry level position with most companies that could lead to a climb up the corporate ladder to C.E.O.
Since it is a glass ceiling BREAK IT!
Good luck.
Reply:Corporate auditing is something that every large company has to have, especially in light of the Sarbanes-Oxley act that was the result of the Enron mess. With a background like you describe, you could work for any large company, but there are some that would really help you get out there and establish a reputation...then you could contract and write your own ticket. Nice work if you can get it. Good luck.
Reply:Look at ACN, IBM, EDS, Deloitte - all of these companies drool over candidates with that background. They will allow you to cut your teeth as a consultant and the sky is the limit for advancement and salary
Reply:You could go into fields such as a Credit analysts, Financial examiners, Financial Manager, Financial planner
Reply:corporate financial departments, banking, financial management in non-profits, brokerage companies, insurance companies, etc.
What would be my career options for a degree in Business with a finance concentration?
Corporate consulting. At least once you have some real and successful on the job experiences to consult about!
Other than that, an entry level position with most companies that could lead to a climb up the corporate ladder to C.E.O.
Since it is a glass ceiling BREAK IT!
Good luck.
Reply:Corporate auditing is something that every large company has to have, especially in light of the Sarbanes-Oxley act that was the result of the Enron mess. With a background like you describe, you could work for any large company, but there are some that would really help you get out there and establish a reputation...then you could contract and write your own ticket. Nice work if you can get it. Good luck.
Reply:Look at ACN, IBM, EDS, Deloitte - all of these companies drool over candidates with that background. They will allow you to cut your teeth as a consultant and the sky is the limit for advancement and salary
Reply:You could go into fields such as a Credit analysts, Financial examiners, Financial Manager, Financial planner
Reply:corporate financial departments, banking, financial management in non-profits, brokerage companies, insurance companies, etc.
What is a good public university in CA where i can get a finance/accounting business degree? im from MN?
i have completed 2 years at a private university in MN and i am looking to transfer to a nice college in California where i can get a business accounting or finance undergrad degree. It needs to be less than $20,000 for out-of-state tuition and i have a 2.9 gpa right now.
What is a good public university in CA where i can get a finance/accounting business degree? im from MN?
Even if you apply to a top CSU you need to get your GPA a lot higher. Cal poly slo, sdsu, chico, pomona, long beach are some of the better CSUs. As for UCs, all are great besides UCR.
I know SDSU is a very popular choice for people because of its location and business program. It's nationally ranked. But most UCs and CSUs are great. Just make sure to do some research.
And as far as tuition, and if that's a concern, defintely apply to a CSU because they are cheaper. I go to SDSU and my tuition is $18,000 and I'm a California resident. Im not sure you will find much luck finding a university out of state tuition under 20K. Try moving to cali and going to a JC for 2 years.
Reply:I certainly haven't looked at absolutely every public U in CA, but I can't imagine that any of them fail to offer a finance/accounting major. You're not restricted at all that way. But with a 2.9gpa, there's no way you can get in the University of California system. Your only shot is the Cal State system. Below that is Cal's community college system and you've already done that.
The Calstate system has 23 campuses, 450,000 students, and 46,000 faculty and staff. I'm sure you can get in there somewhere. Start here...
What is a good public university in CA where i can get a finance/accounting business degree? im from MN?
Even if you apply to a top CSU you need to get your GPA a lot higher. Cal poly slo, sdsu, chico, pomona, long beach are some of the better CSUs. As for UCs, all are great besides UCR.
I know SDSU is a very popular choice for people because of its location and business program. It's nationally ranked. But most UCs and CSUs are great. Just make sure to do some research.
And as far as tuition, and if that's a concern, defintely apply to a CSU because they are cheaper. I go to SDSU and my tuition is $18,000 and I'm a California resident. Im not sure you will find much luck finding a university out of state tuition under 20K. Try moving to cali and going to a JC for 2 years.
Reply:I certainly haven't looked at absolutely every public U in CA, but I can't imagine that any of them fail to offer a finance/accounting major. You're not restricted at all that way. But with a 2.9gpa, there's no way you can get in the University of California system. Your only shot is the Cal State system. Below that is Cal's community college system and you've already done that.
The Calstate system has 23 campuses, 450,000 students, and 46,000 faculty and staff. I'm sure you can get in there somewhere. Start here...
How long does a credit card need to be paid off to stop getting hit with finance charges?
So here's the next question in my credit-card cleanup.
I have a card that I just paid off, and it has an excellent APR on purchases. Now, I'm sure I should just ask the credit company, but why not pick the brains of the Yahoo! Answerers out there and see what you think?
How long do I need to have the card at $0 balance to stop getting hit with finance charges? The card I have charges on the average daily balance, which can be quite high in a month I've had a lot of activity, even if I paid off the last statement in full. I don't think my card has a "no charges on new purchases" clause but I can find out. It is a Chase Amazon.com Visa, signed up for it several years ago when the AP was a fixed 8.9%
What I'd like to do, though, is get the card to $0 balance and just continue to pay off in full monthly, to avoid finance charge. Or, is it too late for that now?
How long does a credit card need to be paid off to stop getting hit with finance charges?
as long as there's a balance you will be charged. If you have paid it off in full, there should be no charges on your next statement. Depends on when payment was made. You might be hit with one more charge, but after that there shouldn't be any.
Reply:Once the card is paid off you should not accrue anymore interest, except that was still outstanding past the closing date. The real sucky thing about the vanity cards, i.e. Amazon, Barnes %26amp; Nobles, etc., is that they use a two cycle method to calculate your finance charges. So they look at two months, not just one.
Nevertheless, if you paid the card in full by the due date, there shouldn't be anything new on it. If there is, then you will have to break down and give them a call to ask them to explain. ;)
Reply:Most credit cards charge interest on a 'two-cycle' average daily balance. This means if you had a balance any time in the last 2 months, your 'average balance' is more than zero. If you start with a zero balance and pay in full each month, interest is usually not charged.
Reply:Once you have a bal on AC past due date there is FC on bal and new purchases as long as there is an APR, have to pay 2 mths in full consecutively for FC to stop. tried to be breif in my ans. hope it helps. didn't want to write a Book.
Reply:There is no daily finance charge if the balance is paid off monthly. Daily finance charges are only on old balances carried forward, not for new purchases unless they are carried into the following month.
Reply:If your card has a $0 balance at the beginning of the month, regardless of your purchase volume (see exceptions below), if you pay off in full by your due date, you should not see any finance charges.
Exceptions...if you go over your limit, or if you make a "purchase" of a cash advance (either at an ATM, or with a convenience check) you will see fees. Most banks charge a fixed fee if you go over your limit, and cash advances accrue interest immediately, there is no grace period.
If you are seeing finance charges that you do not understand, by all means, call the customer service number on your statement or back of your card.
I have a card that I just paid off, and it has an excellent APR on purchases. Now, I'm sure I should just ask the credit company, but why not pick the brains of the Yahoo! Answerers out there and see what you think?
How long do I need to have the card at $0 balance to stop getting hit with finance charges? The card I have charges on the average daily balance, which can be quite high in a month I've had a lot of activity, even if I paid off the last statement in full. I don't think my card has a "no charges on new purchases" clause but I can find out. It is a Chase Amazon.com Visa, signed up for it several years ago when the AP was a fixed 8.9%
What I'd like to do, though, is get the card to $0 balance and just continue to pay off in full monthly, to avoid finance charge. Or, is it too late for that now?
How long does a credit card need to be paid off to stop getting hit with finance charges?
as long as there's a balance you will be charged. If you have paid it off in full, there should be no charges on your next statement. Depends on when payment was made. You might be hit with one more charge, but after that there shouldn't be any.
Reply:Once the card is paid off you should not accrue anymore interest, except that was still outstanding past the closing date. The real sucky thing about the vanity cards, i.e. Amazon, Barnes %26amp; Nobles, etc., is that they use a two cycle method to calculate your finance charges. So they look at two months, not just one.
Nevertheless, if you paid the card in full by the due date, there shouldn't be anything new on it. If there is, then you will have to break down and give them a call to ask them to explain. ;)
Reply:Most credit cards charge interest on a 'two-cycle' average daily balance. This means if you had a balance any time in the last 2 months, your 'average balance' is more than zero. If you start with a zero balance and pay in full each month, interest is usually not charged.
Reply:Once you have a bal on AC past due date there is FC on bal and new purchases as long as there is an APR, have to pay 2 mths in full consecutively for FC to stop. tried to be breif in my ans. hope it helps. didn't want to write a Book.
Reply:There is no daily finance charge if the balance is paid off monthly. Daily finance charges are only on old balances carried forward, not for new purchases unless they are carried into the following month.
Reply:If your card has a $0 balance at the beginning of the month, regardless of your purchase volume (see exceptions below), if you pay off in full by your due date, you should not see any finance charges.
Exceptions...if you go over your limit, or if you make a "purchase" of a cash advance (either at an ATM, or with a convenience check) you will see fees. Most banks charge a fixed fee if you go over your limit, and cash advances accrue interest immediately, there is no grace period.
If you are seeing finance charges that you do not understand, by all means, call the customer service number on your statement or back of your card.
Where can i get a nikon camera on finance?
i have all the equipment i need to go into business but i'm short of the camera.
Can anyone suggest where I can get this on finance with no deposit.
UK Only thanks x
Please don't suggest EBay as i cannot afford one unless it's on finance.
Where can i get a nikon camera on finance?
Buy one on a credit card and pay in monthly payments.
Reply:i belive jessops offer this service uk.check on line.hope this helps
Reply:Wait a minute ...
If you don't already have a camera, how did you learn your photography skills?
Usually a pro has all his cameras and lenses and has been working as a staffer or an assistant to a successful pro before they go into business for themselves.
You may want to rethink your business plan
Can anyone suggest where I can get this on finance with no deposit.
UK Only thanks x
Please don't suggest EBay as i cannot afford one unless it's on finance.
Where can i get a nikon camera on finance?
Buy one on a credit card and pay in monthly payments.
Reply:i belive jessops offer this service uk.check on line.hope this helps
Reply:Wait a minute ...
If you don't already have a camera, how did you learn your photography skills?
Usually a pro has all his cameras and lenses and has been working as a staffer or an assistant to a successful pro before they go into business for themselves.
You may want to rethink your business plan
Is it common in the Finance industry to have many officers?
I have a former colleague who tells me that in their company almost all of them are officers having at least Associate Vice President rank.
Is it common in the finance industry and what does it translate to other industries?
Is it common in the Finance industry to have many officers?
Not essentially so. The levels and number of people working in an organisation totally depends on the hierarchical structure that a company follows.
Reply:I have observed that in loan organ'z'ns such as banks, its usually the case that you would deal with a vice-president, (or assoc. vp). I think there is an obvious reason for this: the customer wants a final answer to his request for a loan and wouldn't expect 'the president' to come puffing down the stairs to approve it on the spot, suggesting that a v-p is the minimum rank to avoid insulting the customer. This would probably necessitate that others in the bank be equally bestowed even if they are just 'equally compensated' pencil pushers. As far as other industries, maybe it's kind of like skippers and airline pilots being 'captain.' (And chicken restaurant chain owners being colonels.)
Is it common in the finance industry and what does it translate to other industries?
Is it common in the Finance industry to have many officers?
Not essentially so. The levels and number of people working in an organisation totally depends on the hierarchical structure that a company follows.
Reply:I have observed that in loan organ'z'ns such as banks, its usually the case that you would deal with a vice-president, (or assoc. vp). I think there is an obvious reason for this: the customer wants a final answer to his request for a loan and wouldn't expect 'the president' to come puffing down the stairs to approve it on the spot, suggesting that a v-p is the minimum rank to avoid insulting the customer. This would probably necessitate that others in the bank be equally bestowed even if they are just 'equally compensated' pencil pushers. As far as other industries, maybe it's kind of like skippers and airline pilots being 'captain.' (And chicken restaurant chain owners being colonels.)
What is the name of a popular personal finance program?
Personal finance software helps you balance your chckbook and manage your finances.
What is the name of a popular personal finance program?
Reply:Quicken. Go to http://www.quicken.com
Reply:microsoft money
What is the name of a popular personal finance program?
Reply:Quicken. Go to http://www.quicken.com
Reply:microsoft money
A foreign VC wants to finance my venture. What are the Tax implications?
The financer wants to finance the company I want to start in India. The investment will be of the order of $ 40k. What are the Tax implications on me, the company to be and him, if he is a partner in the company.
A foreign VC wants to finance my venture. What are the Tax implications?
When you are talking foreign tax you only go by what comes from the horses mouth not here in the answer room
You could get your self in deep trouble if you don't know ALL the loop holes and catch Holes and trouble holes
So don't dig your self a deep hole find out from the people who made the rules
A foreign VC wants to finance my venture. What are the Tax implications?
When you are talking foreign tax you only go by what comes from the horses mouth not here in the answer room
You could get your self in deep trouble if you don't know ALL the loop holes and catch Holes and trouble holes
So don't dig your self a deep hole find out from the people who made the rules
Does anyone know of a finance company that will lend money to a discharged bankrupt?
I declared myself bankrupt in June 2005 and discharged Feb 2006. Try as I may no one will touch me with finance for a car. Is their any company that will look at my situation and give me an honest answer rather than a 'computer says no..' standard reply. I have little debt now and have a large Company car allowance to pay for the loan repayment
Does anyone know of a finance company that will lend money to a discharged bankrupt?
There are only two places that you can try and they might be able to hel, they are Citibank and Blackhorse finance. After a very long search they seem to be the only two companies that help people with previous bad credit records. Good luck.
Reply:Take a letter on company letterhead that states the amount of the car allowance available and provides a contact person for verification. If possible, go to your company's credit union or primary banker and show them the letter. This should at least get you considered if they can bill the company directly. They may want to title the vehicle in the company's name so if you want to keep the vehicle after it is paid for, you will want to sign an agreement with your company to purchase the vehicle for $1.00. Check with an attorney to see if this qualifies as a "straw man purchase" which would be illegal depending on certain circumstances. In essence, you will have the company "co-signing" on the purchase with you. However, you need to be clear what will happen if you change jobs, get fired or laid-off. Best wishes.
Reply:You've proven that in a good economic time, two years ago, you were unable to pay your bills.
So now, two years later, when the economy is bad and lending is tight- nobody is going to lend money to you in a large sum. You need 5-7 years after a bankruptcy to really become well qualified again. Keep building your credit and paying things on time and give it a couple more years.
Reply:Simply put. Yes..This is the way it is done..And please stop with the Ro-Bo sites VIOLET and WILLIAM. You need to build your credit worthiness again.And the top contributor is FULL OF CRAP.It doesn't take 7 years.(EVER) to re-establish your credit. Start small with a couch or something do 90 days same as cash BUT WHO WILL REPORT TO CREDIT BUREAUS.Next to a buy here pay here car dealership WHO WILL REPORT TO CREDIT BUREAUS.Next you have paid at least a year timely on the car loan then, trade that in at a dealership with financing for C and D paper.Nobody will repair your credit other than you..Start now !!!!! I have sold dozens of cars and trucks to people this way.
Reply:6 months ago i would have had a different answer for you, but this credit/bank crunch situation has really messed things up.
i would recommend trying local credit unions and local banks. they are usually more willing because youre located in their area and can have an ongoing relationship with them.
Reply:In this economy it's hard for a person with good credit to get financing, so don't feel bad. Try not to get sucked into anything beyond your means - car allowance or not - as NO ONE'S job is secure these days!
Does anyone know of a finance company that will lend money to a discharged bankrupt?
There are only two places that you can try and they might be able to hel, they are Citibank and Blackhorse finance. After a very long search they seem to be the only two companies that help people with previous bad credit records. Good luck.
Reply:Take a letter on company letterhead that states the amount of the car allowance available and provides a contact person for verification. If possible, go to your company's credit union or primary banker and show them the letter. This should at least get you considered if they can bill the company directly. They may want to title the vehicle in the company's name so if you want to keep the vehicle after it is paid for, you will want to sign an agreement with your company to purchase the vehicle for $1.00. Check with an attorney to see if this qualifies as a "straw man purchase" which would be illegal depending on certain circumstances. In essence, you will have the company "co-signing" on the purchase with you. However, you need to be clear what will happen if you change jobs, get fired or laid-off. Best wishes.
Reply:You've proven that in a good economic time, two years ago, you were unable to pay your bills.
So now, two years later, when the economy is bad and lending is tight- nobody is going to lend money to you in a large sum. You need 5-7 years after a bankruptcy to really become well qualified again. Keep building your credit and paying things on time and give it a couple more years.
Reply:Simply put. Yes..This is the way it is done..And please stop with the Ro-Bo sites VIOLET and WILLIAM. You need to build your credit worthiness again.And the top contributor is FULL OF CRAP.It doesn't take 7 years.(EVER) to re-establish your credit. Start small with a couch or something do 90 days same as cash BUT WHO WILL REPORT TO CREDIT BUREAUS.Next to a buy here pay here car dealership WHO WILL REPORT TO CREDIT BUREAUS.Next you have paid at least a year timely on the car loan then, trade that in at a dealership with financing for C and D paper.Nobody will repair your credit other than you..Start now !!!!! I have sold dozens of cars and trucks to people this way.
Reply:6 months ago i would have had a different answer for you, but this credit/bank crunch situation has really messed things up.
i would recommend trying local credit unions and local banks. they are usually more willing because youre located in their area and can have an ongoing relationship with them.
Reply:In this economy it's hard for a person with good credit to get financing, so don't feel bad. Try not to get sucked into anything beyond your means - car allowance or not - as NO ONE'S job is secure these days!
How can I learn corporate finance?
I have a corporate finance test tomorrow night. I am having a very hard time understanding this subject and any help would be GREATLY appreciated. If anyone knows any programs, tools, or information that I could use. Thanks for your time!
How can I learn corporate finance?
hi enjoy earning money fron this site
you will get good earning source on this site
you will get gr8 links on top %26amp; bottom.
if u realy get it please update me
How can I learn corporate finance?
hi enjoy earning money fron this site
you will get good earning source on this site
you will get gr8 links on top %26amp; bottom.
if u realy get it please update me
Can someone help me with finance calculations for Real Estate?
I am having a hard time with the Word problems in the finance part of the class for Real Estate. Can anyone offer some help on how to understand what I am reading? If I cannot figure this out I will fail my class. I don't want that to happen, I have worked so hard for this. If any one can help that would be wonderful. Thanks to everyone out there for being kind and sharing what they know. God Bless.
Can someone help me with finance calculations for Real Estate?
You'll need to give complete and specific details of what you are asking? What are you trying to calculate? Just specify it, post the question on add details.
Reply:You ask, we will answer. But you have to be specific...what are the word problems? Email me.
Reply:best way is to analyze the questions. make a list of the info they have given, and what they are looking for. eliminate the info you do not need to obtain the answer.
Reply:This is a common problem. Two ways that may help:
1/ convert the word problem into a mathematical calculation...
2/ by application on an actual scenario.
Can someone help me with finance calculations for Real Estate?
You'll need to give complete and specific details of what you are asking? What are you trying to calculate? Just specify it, post the question on add details.
Reply:You ask, we will answer. But you have to be specific...what are the word problems? Email me.
Reply:best way is to analyze the questions. make a list of the info they have given, and what they are looking for. eliminate the info you do not need to obtain the answer.
Reply:This is a common problem. Two ways that may help:
1/ convert the word problem into a mathematical calculation...
2/ by application on an actual scenario.
Is a degree majoring in finance and accounting too common?
I am at the end of my first year of uni majoring in finance and accounting. I plan on either working at a Big 4 firm or maybe investment banking.
Is this an appropriate course to keep these two career options open?
And this seems like a fairly common combination to have, what can I do to distinguish myself from other graduates? I thought I might try to do some ultra marathons, is this the kind of thing that looks good on a CV?
Is a degree majoring in finance and accounting too common?
A degree in finance and accounting will help you get grounded in finance 101 and basics of business, skills that will help you in the long term.
Now, how you make your CV stand out, whether it is by ultra marathons, being a top-10 American Idol or climbing the Everest is a subjective discussion
Reply:Alot of grads have those degrees, but it's the person and their work ethic that'll set you apart from other job applicants. Maybe add a minor, that might set you apart. Good luck!
What is the symbol for the mutual fund of HSBC chinese equity fund in yahoo finance?
What is the symbol for the mutual fund of HSBC chinese equity fund in yahoo finance? I cant find it in yahoo finance. Can anyone help?
What is the symbol for the mutual fund of HSBC chinese equity fund in yahoo finance?
KPXA.BE - Berlin Exchange not much help
WDCFF - on Moneycentral.com, again no data
Not listed in Morningstar.com......
Maybe you would want to try something like (ytd %'s)
AACFX AIM China A 84.03
GOPAX Nationwide China Opportunities A 82.22
MCHFX Matthews China 75.46
ICHKX Guinness Atkinson China %26amp; Hong Kong 71.79
What is the symbol for the mutual fund of HSBC chinese equity fund in yahoo finance?
KPXA.BE - Berlin Exchange not much help
WDCFF - on Moneycentral.com, again no data
Not listed in Morningstar.com......
Maybe you would want to try something like (ytd %'s)
AACFX AIM China A 84.03
GOPAX Nationwide China Opportunities A 82.22
MCHFX Matthews China 75.46
ICHKX Guinness Atkinson China %26amp; Hong Kong 71.79
Is good to have personal finance consultant?
I wonder how other people feel about having a personal finance consultant to manage their wealth. How many have the service? How long they stay with the same consultant? Are people satisified with their consultant? Thank you.
Is good to have personal finance consultant?
do not much believe and trust upon consultants or people of that type regarding finance , but if your business or wealth is big, have a finance secretary and manage yourself,
if you are to utilize your wealth for further business , it is not the consultant , it is you who shall find where the wealth shall be utilized, the money you spent on consultant shall be enogh for you to get some experience in developing business,
wishing you good luck
Reply:To start, I'll need to disclose the fact that I'm a wealth manager, so I'm biased. But I think it's very important to have someone you can trust to help you manage your finances.
The key term here is "trust". Most so called planners are nothing more than salespeople. The big brokerages such as Ameriprise, Morgan Stanley, UBS, etc. all pay their "planners" on commission and provide very little real training. To avoid this problem you may want to try to find a fee-only financial planner.
A really good place to start is www.napfa.org. All NAPFA members are Certified Financial Planners. Now, there are probably a hundred different certifications out there. The only ones that really matter are the CFP, ChFC, and CFA. CFA's are usually stock researches for mutual funds or trust funds. ChFC is a good designation but it's given to life insurance agents and, as you know, insurance is a very commission driven field. The CFP is a worldwide designation sposored in the US by the Financial Planning Association. http://www.fpanet.org/
The second part of "trust" is finding a planner that you feel comfortable with. Even if you find 3 people who truely have your best interests at heart, if you can't share openly because you feel intimidated or uncomfortable, then the relationship won't be as successful as it could be. I would suggest you inteview several local planners before making your decision.
To get an idea of what it's like to work with a planner, and to learn more about personal finance, I welcome you to listen to my podcast. It's the #1 rated personal finance podcast in the world with over 1million impressions and listeners in over 60 countries. You can call or write in with questions. www.promoneytalk.com
Reply:Yes, it is good to have a certified financial consultant. They will give you a financial needs analysis to determine your needs and to assess your goals and future financial direction.
Reply:Nobody cares more about your money than you. It's a fact, always remember it.
Most financial consultants and money managers will recommend (make you buy) services provided by their company. They skim off the top a percentage of your wealth on an annual basis. If you need financial advice, you should find a flat fee-based consultant who won't try selling you services of his employer. Make sure to agree on the fee before any discussions take place.
I think you should only hire them when you run into things only a certified financial professional would know about.
Is good to have personal finance consultant?
do not much believe and trust upon consultants or people of that type regarding finance , but if your business or wealth is big, have a finance secretary and manage yourself,
if you are to utilize your wealth for further business , it is not the consultant , it is you who shall find where the wealth shall be utilized, the money you spent on consultant shall be enogh for you to get some experience in developing business,
wishing you good luck
Reply:To start, I'll need to disclose the fact that I'm a wealth manager, so I'm biased. But I think it's very important to have someone you can trust to help you manage your finances.
The key term here is "trust". Most so called planners are nothing more than salespeople. The big brokerages such as Ameriprise, Morgan Stanley, UBS, etc. all pay their "planners" on commission and provide very little real training. To avoid this problem you may want to try to find a fee-only financial planner.
A really good place to start is www.napfa.org. All NAPFA members are Certified Financial Planners. Now, there are probably a hundred different certifications out there. The only ones that really matter are the CFP, ChFC, and CFA. CFA's are usually stock researches for mutual funds or trust funds. ChFC is a good designation but it's given to life insurance agents and, as you know, insurance is a very commission driven field. The CFP is a worldwide designation sposored in the US by the Financial Planning Association. http://www.fpanet.org/
The second part of "trust" is finding a planner that you feel comfortable with. Even if you find 3 people who truely have your best interests at heart, if you can't share openly because you feel intimidated or uncomfortable, then the relationship won't be as successful as it could be. I would suggest you inteview several local planners before making your decision.
To get an idea of what it's like to work with a planner, and to learn more about personal finance, I welcome you to listen to my podcast. It's the #1 rated personal finance podcast in the world with over 1million impressions and listeners in over 60 countries. You can call or write in with questions. www.promoneytalk.com
Reply:Yes, it is good to have a certified financial consultant. They will give you a financial needs analysis to determine your needs and to assess your goals and future financial direction.
Reply:Nobody cares more about your money than you. It's a fact, always remember it.
Most financial consultants and money managers will recommend (make you buy) services provided by their company. They skim off the top a percentage of your wealth on an annual basis. If you need financial advice, you should find a flat fee-based consultant who won't try selling you services of his employer. Make sure to agree on the fee before any discussions take place.
I think you should only hire them when you run into things only a certified financial professional would know about.
We learned in high school finance class that high P/E can be viewed as both good and bad. Why is this?
Any well developed answers from experienced investors, finance majors, or anyone else for that matter are great appreciated. Thanks guys!
We learned in high school finance class that high P/E can be viewed as both good and bad. Why is this?
A high P/E ratio can be bad in a sense that it indicates the company is over-valued. You're getting less earnings (which in turn, theoretically translate to dividends) per share you own. Whereas a low P/E means you're getting a good deal.
A high P/E ration can be good in a sense that it indicates the company is growing and investors are willing to pay a premium for it because it has a bright future.
Here's my suggestion - look at a PEG ratio. It is the P/E divided by growth. It gives a more clear picture of everything. If you're interested in this, Google PEG + Peter Lynch.
Reply:It depends upon the company. For instance, high P/E is good when company is in growth spur. Take example of VMWare which went IPO or look at Apple, they are in growth of selling new products such as iPhone in Europe etc. These two companies will dictate high P/E and investors are willing to buy these company's stocks in spite of high P/E.
In the case of banks or automobile industry (GM, F), their P/E are either single digit or no more than 10. The reason is that these companies are stable and can't grow like Cisco and Apple's of the world. Hence, they have lower P/Es. No investors willing to spend on these stocks with high P/E.
Reply:Well i can see that a high P/E ratio is great when short selling. But this is not ever really good to have a High Price to Earnings ratio. I dont know what they were teaching you in that class but the only good thing about it either than to notice the price probably will be going down and be a Red flag not to buy. The fact is the market is controlled with an invisible hand look up Adam Smith. the market will eventually correct itself to the true value. Although a P/E ratio can look high in one industry and low in another ie" Tech industry companies could have an average p/e of 5 where a Agricultural industry company could be 10. So do not compare apples to oranges when looking at the P/E.
Reply:Basically the P/E ratio is the Price (value) of the stock compared to its Earnings. A high P/E indicates that the stock is going up in value and investors are willing to pay more for it. A high P/E ratio can also indicate that a stock is over-valued and may crash soon. (Dotcom bubble, anyone?)
Reply:Trying to pick stocks using the P/E ratio is like believing the fox will properly guard the hen house. P/E ratio is old news. The market will already have made the stock price go up or down in anticipation of what the new unannounced P/E ratio will be. Follow stock price movement, technical analysis, and learn sooner what the insiders know. Say Martha Stewart!
Reply:Think about it.
High Profits verses earnings.
Takeover target. Surge up in price then down.
False sense of quality, Enron, World Com, etc.
We learned in high school finance class that high P/E can be viewed as both good and bad. Why is this?
A high P/E ratio can be bad in a sense that it indicates the company is over-valued. You're getting less earnings (which in turn, theoretically translate to dividends) per share you own. Whereas a low P/E means you're getting a good deal.
A high P/E ration can be good in a sense that it indicates the company is growing and investors are willing to pay a premium for it because it has a bright future.
Here's my suggestion - look at a PEG ratio. It is the P/E divided by growth. It gives a more clear picture of everything. If you're interested in this, Google PEG + Peter Lynch.
Reply:It depends upon the company. For instance, high P/E is good when company is in growth spur. Take example of VMWare which went IPO or look at Apple, they are in growth of selling new products such as iPhone in Europe etc. These two companies will dictate high P/E and investors are willing to buy these company's stocks in spite of high P/E.
In the case of banks or automobile industry (GM, F), their P/E are either single digit or no more than 10. The reason is that these companies are stable and can't grow like Cisco and Apple's of the world. Hence, they have lower P/Es. No investors willing to spend on these stocks with high P/E.
Reply:Well i can see that a high P/E ratio is great when short selling. But this is not ever really good to have a High Price to Earnings ratio. I dont know what they were teaching you in that class but the only good thing about it either than to notice the price probably will be going down and be a Red flag not to buy. The fact is the market is controlled with an invisible hand look up Adam Smith. the market will eventually correct itself to the true value. Although a P/E ratio can look high in one industry and low in another ie" Tech industry companies could have an average p/e of 5 where a Agricultural industry company could be 10. So do not compare apples to oranges when looking at the P/E.
Reply:Basically the P/E ratio is the Price (value) of the stock compared to its Earnings. A high P/E indicates that the stock is going up in value and investors are willing to pay more for it. A high P/E ratio can also indicate that a stock is over-valued and may crash soon. (Dotcom bubble, anyone?)
Reply:Trying to pick stocks using the P/E ratio is like believing the fox will properly guard the hen house. P/E ratio is old news. The market will already have made the stock price go up or down in anticipation of what the new unannounced P/E ratio will be. Follow stock price movement, technical analysis, and learn sooner what the insiders know. Say Martha Stewart!
Reply:Think about it.
High Profits verses earnings.
Takeover target. Surge up in price then down.
False sense of quality, Enron, World Com, etc.
Is finance a good area of concentration with masters in IT in eBusiness?
My BS was in computer sciences and my work experience is in financial department - market risk. I will study in CMU eBusiness masters program. Is finance will be good area of concentration? Are there jobs related to finance, ebusiness and computer sciences?
Is finance a good area of concentration with masters in IT in eBusiness?
That's pretty much what I was considering too... My 15 year IT career is apparently over and I've been looking for something else to do... Finance seems like it pays good and you'll do well with your logically thinking mind.
Is finance a good area of concentration with masters in IT in eBusiness?
That's pretty much what I was considering too... My 15 year IT career is apparently over and I've been looking for something else to do... Finance seems like it pays good and you'll do well with your logically thinking mind.
Is there anywhere in AUSTRALIA that I can get help for finance for a new business?
My partner and I have started our own business and need finance to grow but the banks won't look at us because we don't own real estate. We have a business plan though and have been approved for the NEIS allowance. We just need a break!
Is there anywhere in AUSTRALIA that I can get help for finance for a new business?
I don't think anyone on this site would help
try your own governemnt
Reply:Harold Bishop may help, I hear he's a good samaritan
Is there anywhere in AUSTRALIA that I can get help for finance for a new business?
I don't think anyone on this site would help
try your own governemnt
Reply:Harold Bishop may help, I hear he's a good samaritan
Will I ever be able to make 150K atleast with my finance degree?
I have a Bachelors in finance and going for my masters right now while working for a big firm. Please be detailed.
Will I ever be able to make 150K atleast with my finance degree?
It is truly possible if you get with the right firm. If you're currently with one of the top 5 firms in the country you're well on your way.
Here's another option.
Have you ever considered working online? You can make really good money just working P/T. You can realistically make $150-$400/day working P/T.
Hope this helps.
Reply:Seems like a stretch to me, unless you are top of your class at a major school or doing well at an ivy league school...and your big firm has such a job lined up for you.
Since you don't explain what kind of work you are doing now and are asking on a general forum...I'd say take your current salary and double it. That is a reasonable goal for a masters in finance from a good school with 3-5 years of experience. (Assuming you are in a big city)
floral shops
Will I ever be able to make 150K atleast with my finance degree?
It is truly possible if you get with the right firm. If you're currently with one of the top 5 firms in the country you're well on your way.
Here's another option.
Have you ever considered working online? You can make really good money just working P/T. You can realistically make $150-$400/day working P/T.
Hope this helps.
Reply:Seems like a stretch to me, unless you are top of your class at a major school or doing well at an ivy league school...and your big firm has such a job lined up for you.
Since you don't explain what kind of work you are doing now and are asking on a general forum...I'd say take your current salary and double it. That is a reasonable goal for a masters in finance from a good school with 3-5 years of experience. (Assuming you are in a big city)
floral shops
Who is the ultimate person to contact to lower credit card finance charges for everyone?
Actually to lower the interest rate on monthly finance charges.
Who is the ultimate person to contact to lower credit card finance charges for everyone?
A man called "Shaft." Seriously, the credit card industry has the US Presidency %26amp; Congress bought and paid for....they largely write their own rules/legislation. Usury laws have largely been discarded. Credit card companes are free to assess all sorts of creative fees on our accounts.
Credit card giant MBNA was the single largest contributor to Bush in 2000 and 2004....Credit card companies also have many Democrats in their pockets too. Until this political situation changes, no one person can be a "savior" who can fight back and lower interest rates for everyone.
Reply:Credit card companies will lower interest rates when folks stop carrying balances on those high interest rate accounts. I don't have any problems with finance charges on my credit cards. I pay my account in full every month. It's a cash reward card. So they pay me to use their money.
Who is the ultimate person to contact to lower credit card finance charges for everyone?
A man called "Shaft." Seriously, the credit card industry has the US Presidency %26amp; Congress bought and paid for....they largely write their own rules/legislation. Usury laws have largely been discarded. Credit card companes are free to assess all sorts of creative fees on our accounts.
Credit card giant MBNA was the single largest contributor to Bush in 2000 and 2004....Credit card companies also have many Democrats in their pockets too. Until this political situation changes, no one person can be a "savior" who can fight back and lower interest rates for everyone.
Reply:Credit card companies will lower interest rates when folks stop carrying balances on those high interest rate accounts. I don't have any problems with finance charges on my credit cards. I pay my account in full every month. It's a cash reward card. So they pay me to use their money.
What are the chances I, as a college student, will be able to successfully finance a new car?
Hi guys, I'm a full time second-year college student with a part time paid internship on the side in which I get paid slightly under 500 dollars a month. I have about 2000 saved up in the bank and was looking at a new car that runs about 15-16k. I know nothing about how financing a car works other than the simple down payment + monthly payments (with interest). I'm wondering if it's possible for me at all to finance a car like this and what the application process is. Thanks a lot!!
What are the chances I, as a college student, will be able to successfully finance a new car?
First time buyers are the hardest deals for a dealer to get approved. Ford and GM are known for putting first time buyers in cars just to move units. With the right down payment, job time, and time at residency, just about anybody could qualify for a loan through one of the aboved named banks. Ford Credit owns Mazda Credit also.....so you could look at any Ford, Mazda, or Gm Product and probably find a car/truck at a low rate. Don't think just because your friend got approved on their deal when they were a first time buyer, that your deal will be the same. Markets change all the time and banks become more aggresive during different parts of the year.They will sometimes give you a loan because the dealer has sent them a bunch of excellent credit worthy customers and they can afford to throw in a "high" risk first time buyer. It is actually easier for a dealer to get a bad credit person approved than a first time buyer, unless the first time buyer has a substanial down payment. Any good Finance Manager should have a bank that will buy first time buyers. The problem will be your income though. There are plenty of finance people and dealerships that create ways to get people like you approved. Do you have any other income at all? Do you do any side work? If not, not all banks will require you to prove your income. Another thing is if you take home $500 dollars a month your are grossing probably $750 a month. Banks go by gross numbers. You can also get a co-signer on the deal with you. A friend, family member, or significant other can help get you approved. When it comes to financing a car, your credit score is the single most important thing. If your score is over 700, there are a lot of banks that will give you what is called an "INSTANT APPROVAL". Banks use computer intelligent scoring systems to approve deals automatically. Anytime you are submitted to a bank for approval the computer intelligence tries to make a decision before any human ever looks at it. Sometimes the computer will give you and instant approval and then you can buy anything you want. I am a 14 year Veteran in the Automotive Business and I have seen this happen at countless times. I have had many first time buyers approved by the computer of the bank when I thought there is no way the person could get a loan.
As far as the process goes it is very easy. The best thing is to "Work your deal backwards". Don't go looking all over and driving cars first. First go to a local Credit Union or bank and try to get pre-approved. Then you will know which cars the bank will allow you to buy price wise. If you don't want to do that go directly to the Finance Manager at any given dealerships. They are always happy to pull your credit and advise what they think they can do instead of you spending countless hours with salespeople picking out a car, negotiating the price, and then filling out the application to get approved. Just go directly to the finance person at the dealership of choice and that person will help you. Now is the best time also. As the fall and winter months approach, dealership sell less cars which means less income for their finance people. The finance person will be highly motivated to get your loan approved and usually will try much harder than in a month they don't need the extra income because business is booming. I reallly hope this helps. Good luck and remember you can always get approved with the right co-signer if all else fails.
Reply:You will probably have to use a co signer like a parent. The main issue is going to be your income. Usually banks like to see about 1500+/ month but depends on the bank. I would get a newer used care with under 50k miles that about 3 to 4 years old.
Reply:If you have had your cc's for a while you should be fine.Trick is to not let your eyes buy a car your account cannot afford.You may not get the car of your dreams but you CAN get a car.As a first time buyer you'll have better luck in the new car lot as opposed to the used because of the way banks buy loans, Don't worry about that.New cars will give you warranties and the like and will reduce maintenance costs and will finance a lower rate .There is a state cap on new car rates in Fl. of 16.78% But almost double that in used car rates.New cars also have rebates.Your O.K just realize it is not the car you'll have forever and establish your credit, when you graduate it'll be easier to get the one you really want!!Good Luck
Reply:I'm sorry to say that unless your parents plan to help pay and/or cosign, there isn't too much of a chance. The loan on a car in that price range will probably be around $300-400 a month...which seems to be most of your income. They look at your car payment being less than 25% of your income, if you don't have any other payments.
You might have to hold off for a little while on a newer car. I'd look for one that you can purchase outright with the $2000 you have saved.
Good luck!
Reply:You may want to go used or find another job. With a 13k loan, at a generous 6% interest over a generous period of 6 years. The monthly payment is going to be roughly $215/month. Don't forget the additional charges of tax, tags, and title at purchase. As well as insurance. A financed vehicle will most likely require full coverage as well, and it would be silly not to have it on a new vehicle regardless of the financial institutions policies. If that isn't enough there's also gas and maintenance.
The good news is there are plenty of good used cars, and 70k mile examples of cars half the price of the ones you are considering are going to be much more fun than the current tanks. Find a car that was meticulously maintained by an enthusiast and has a solid community supporting it. Volkswagens are great for this, with communities like www.VWvortex.com crawling with people who know these cars like the back of their hand. It's a resource that usually goes unnoticed in lieu of reliability reviews and repair cost reports.
Recently I had a recurring check engine error in my Jetta concerning a 400 dollar part. A little research on VWvortex and a $5 can of cleaner later, no problems. I think that speaks for the value of it.
Edit: Also, be aware of the maintenance schedule on the vehicle you are purchasing. Some used cars may be coming up on needing new timing belts and other maintenance milestones. If you go the used route with a community, ask what you need to know before looking at one (do a search on the forums first) and maybe you can even find someone with some experience with them to come out and take a look at your potential car. If it's your thing, every dollar you save on buying a used car is a dollar you can spend on upgrades. Just do your research.
What are the chances I, as a college student, will be able to successfully finance a new car?
First time buyers are the hardest deals for a dealer to get approved. Ford and GM are known for putting first time buyers in cars just to move units. With the right down payment, job time, and time at residency, just about anybody could qualify for a loan through one of the aboved named banks. Ford Credit owns Mazda Credit also.....so you could look at any Ford, Mazda, or Gm Product and probably find a car/truck at a low rate. Don't think just because your friend got approved on their deal when they were a first time buyer, that your deal will be the same. Markets change all the time and banks become more aggresive during different parts of the year.They will sometimes give you a loan because the dealer has sent them a bunch of excellent credit worthy customers and they can afford to throw in a "high" risk first time buyer. It is actually easier for a dealer to get a bad credit person approved than a first time buyer, unless the first time buyer has a substanial down payment. Any good Finance Manager should have a bank that will buy first time buyers. The problem will be your income though. There are plenty of finance people and dealerships that create ways to get people like you approved. Do you have any other income at all? Do you do any side work? If not, not all banks will require you to prove your income. Another thing is if you take home $500 dollars a month your are grossing probably $750 a month. Banks go by gross numbers. You can also get a co-signer on the deal with you. A friend, family member, or significant other can help get you approved. When it comes to financing a car, your credit score is the single most important thing. If your score is over 700, there are a lot of banks that will give you what is called an "INSTANT APPROVAL". Banks use computer intelligent scoring systems to approve deals automatically. Anytime you are submitted to a bank for approval the computer intelligence tries to make a decision before any human ever looks at it. Sometimes the computer will give you and instant approval and then you can buy anything you want. I am a 14 year Veteran in the Automotive Business and I have seen this happen at countless times. I have had many first time buyers approved by the computer of the bank when I thought there is no way the person could get a loan.
As far as the process goes it is very easy. The best thing is to "Work your deal backwards". Don't go looking all over and driving cars first. First go to a local Credit Union or bank and try to get pre-approved. Then you will know which cars the bank will allow you to buy price wise. If you don't want to do that go directly to the Finance Manager at any given dealerships. They are always happy to pull your credit and advise what they think they can do instead of you spending countless hours with salespeople picking out a car, negotiating the price, and then filling out the application to get approved. Just go directly to the finance person at the dealership of choice and that person will help you. Now is the best time also. As the fall and winter months approach, dealership sell less cars which means less income for their finance people. The finance person will be highly motivated to get your loan approved and usually will try much harder than in a month they don't need the extra income because business is booming. I reallly hope this helps. Good luck and remember you can always get approved with the right co-signer if all else fails.
Reply:You will probably have to use a co signer like a parent. The main issue is going to be your income. Usually banks like to see about 1500+/ month but depends on the bank. I would get a newer used care with under 50k miles that about 3 to 4 years old.
Reply:If you have had your cc's for a while you should be fine.Trick is to not let your eyes buy a car your account cannot afford.You may not get the car of your dreams but you CAN get a car.As a first time buyer you'll have better luck in the new car lot as opposed to the used because of the way banks buy loans, Don't worry about that.New cars will give you warranties and the like and will reduce maintenance costs and will finance a lower rate .There is a state cap on new car rates in Fl. of 16.78% But almost double that in used car rates.New cars also have rebates.Your O.K just realize it is not the car you'll have forever and establish your credit, when you graduate it'll be easier to get the one you really want!!Good Luck
Reply:I'm sorry to say that unless your parents plan to help pay and/or cosign, there isn't too much of a chance. The loan on a car in that price range will probably be around $300-400 a month...which seems to be most of your income. They look at your car payment being less than 25% of your income, if you don't have any other payments.
You might have to hold off for a little while on a newer car. I'd look for one that you can purchase outright with the $2000 you have saved.
Good luck!
Reply:You may want to go used or find another job. With a 13k loan, at a generous 6% interest over a generous period of 6 years. The monthly payment is going to be roughly $215/month. Don't forget the additional charges of tax, tags, and title at purchase. As well as insurance. A financed vehicle will most likely require full coverage as well, and it would be silly not to have it on a new vehicle regardless of the financial institutions policies. If that isn't enough there's also gas and maintenance.
The good news is there are plenty of good used cars, and 70k mile examples of cars half the price of the ones you are considering are going to be much more fun than the current tanks. Find a car that was meticulously maintained by an enthusiast and has a solid community supporting it. Volkswagens are great for this, with communities like www.VWvortex.com crawling with people who know these cars like the back of their hand. It's a resource that usually goes unnoticed in lieu of reliability reviews and repair cost reports.
Recently I had a recurring check engine error in my Jetta concerning a 400 dollar part. A little research on VWvortex and a $5 can of cleaner later, no problems. I think that speaks for the value of it.
Edit: Also, be aware of the maintenance schedule on the vehicle you are purchasing. Some used cars may be coming up on needing new timing belts and other maintenance milestones. If you go the used route with a community, ask what you need to know before looking at one (do a search on the forums first) and maybe you can even find someone with some experience with them to come out and take a look at your potential car. If it's your thing, every dollar you save on buying a used car is a dollar you can spend on upgrades. Just do your research.
Need to get out of a car finance agreement?
I am financing a car but decided not to keep it. Anyone knows how to get out of the finance contract? Im thinking of selling it to a dealer and just pay the remaning upside down cost? Any better suggestion?
Thanks a lot.
Need to get out of a car finance agreement?
Put it into the newspaper as take over payments. What you can do is sell your car to someone and go to a bank or financial institution and the erson you sell it to can arrange to take over the payments in their name which will not effect your credit.
Reply:if someone else takes over the payments the car and loan is stillin yuour name. make the jackass you cosigned for keep making the payments and dont ever do that again Report Abuse
Reply:Well, for starters, you can't "get out" of the contract; it's just that...a binding, legally enforceable contract. You should have thought this through before signing it in the first place. You can sell the car but you are still responsible for the whole amount financed. Sounds like a costly lesson. Just curious...why don't you want to keep it? Can't afford it, or just cold feet? I suppose it doesn't matter...either one sounds a bit irresponsible.
Reply:try selling the car privatly. "you will get more for it" you gotta pay off that balance somehow.... watch for deals where a dealer will pay OFF your car..
Reply:Call the finance company and tell them to come and get it. They will do everything they can to keep you happy. They will be willing to deal when they know that you are ready to just dump it. Or, try to sell it for what you owe on autotrader.com. You will be surprised at how well that site works.
Thanks a lot.
Need to get out of a car finance agreement?
Put it into the newspaper as take over payments. What you can do is sell your car to someone and go to a bank or financial institution and the erson you sell it to can arrange to take over the payments in their name which will not effect your credit.
Reply:if someone else takes over the payments the car and loan is stillin yuour name. make the jackass you cosigned for keep making the payments and dont ever do that again Report Abuse
Reply:Well, for starters, you can't "get out" of the contract; it's just that...a binding, legally enforceable contract. You should have thought this through before signing it in the first place. You can sell the car but you are still responsible for the whole amount financed. Sounds like a costly lesson. Just curious...why don't you want to keep it? Can't afford it, or just cold feet? I suppose it doesn't matter...either one sounds a bit irresponsible.
Reply:try selling the car privatly. "you will get more for it" you gotta pay off that balance somehow.... watch for deals where a dealer will pay OFF your car..
Reply:Call the finance company and tell them to come and get it. They will do everything they can to keep you happy. They will be willing to deal when they know that you are ready to just dump it. Or, try to sell it for what you owe on autotrader.com. You will be surprised at how well that site works.
How to become a finance broker?
I would like to open a finance brokerage in the UK but don't know how to go about it. It could be personal loans or commercial. Could someone please suggest how I go about it and also tell me where I can get more information about this business. Also, if you've started up such a business, could you share your experiences? Finally, can anyone suggest a niche to focus on in this industry? Thanks!
How to become a finance broker?
I'll be happy to help you just send me a email with the subject (From Yahoo Answers) to chriswickstead@yahoo.co.uk
How to become a finance broker?
I'll be happy to help you just send me a email with the subject (From Yahoo Answers) to chriswickstead@yahoo.co.uk
Can I get car finance if i have bad credit rating?
My credit rating is bad because of late payments, will this affect me getting a used car on finance?
Can I get car finance if i have bad credit rating?
no it shouldnt but you'll b better off going to your bank 4 a loan as these companies charge very high interest!
Good luck darling x
Reply:For free consumer information on how to obtain a car loan with a bad credit history read http://www.getbadcreditcarloan.info
Reply:yes you can get financed....but your payments will be higher than mine. So the dealer will probably give you longer terms, say 72 months not 48.
Bad credit cost losts of extra money.
Reply:Yes, but your interest rate will be higher than the "norm"
Reply:You can there's plenty of company's out there But the interest rate is high because they think you will fail to make your repayments.
Reply:Apply at capitalone.com or eloan.com and find out!
Reply:Sure. Be prepared to need a very big down payment, and to pay very high interest rates.
Reply:Why the hell do you want to borrow money to buy a depreciating asset? You are paying interest on something that is worth less every year? And the dealer will charge you a lot more than the going rate for a cash buyer... last year I bought a Mercedes-Benz 190E, one owner, low miles, alloys, 10-CD, leather, FSH, a truly superb drive, fast, smooth, economical (reasonably) and safe, for less than Two Weeks Pay. (I am a bit of a collector, and have others, just for fun.) What I'm NOT paying out on car finance goes off my mortgage, which has now just £15,000 to go. Pay interest on a mortgage, for a house, but not for a car! It's called 'banger-nomics' - I could sell that Merc today for what I paid for it. By next year, it will still be worth at least One Weeks Pay, hell, in two years it still will! If it depreciated to absolutely no value at all, it will still only cost me... Two Weeks Pay! If you 'buy' a car on finance, it's not yours until the last payment. A car worth £3,000 cash will sell for £4,000 to a credit buyer, and after the five years of payments, when you've paid about £7,000, including the interest, the car will be worth about £1000 - you have lost the £7000 in payments, and you lost the drop from £3000 to £1000. That's another £2000. Your £3000 (cash) car cost you £9000!!!! That's wayyyy more than Two Weeks Pay - and who wants to marry a car for five years anyway?
Last year a workmate of mine paid £3200 for a Vectra on a finance deal. Interset will add about £2600 to that.
I saw one a week later, just the same, sell on eBay for £780, cash on collection.
For cars, it has to be cash! Furthermore, people buying on credit tend to overstretch themselves, and don't have the money to service and maintain the car properly. This causes further falls in its' value...
Cash is king. When you're holdin' the foldin', and you let them see it, they don't want you to leave, they will reduce the price for you. They want your money!
Reply:it will effect u but try that yes car credit they say they give credit to anyone but sure they will charge you a higher rate of interest
Reply:u will find it nr impossible to get finance if u got no credit rating sorry
Reply:if ..and its a big if you can find some one to accept you for credit ..they will take you to the cleaners with their interest rates maybe closer to 30% than 5%..it realy pays to keep your nose clean
Reply:Yes depending on your finaces now. Be prepared to get a high repayment scheme and not a lot of credit though.
Can I get car finance if i have bad credit rating?
no it shouldnt but you'll b better off going to your bank 4 a loan as these companies charge very high interest!
Good luck darling x
Reply:For free consumer information on how to obtain a car loan with a bad credit history read http://www.getbadcreditcarloan.info
Reply:yes you can get financed....but your payments will be higher than mine. So the dealer will probably give you longer terms, say 72 months not 48.
Bad credit cost losts of extra money.
Reply:Yes, but your interest rate will be higher than the "norm"
Reply:You can there's plenty of company's out there But the interest rate is high because they think you will fail to make your repayments.
Reply:Apply at capitalone.com or eloan.com and find out!
Reply:Sure. Be prepared to need a very big down payment, and to pay very high interest rates.
Reply:Why the hell do you want to borrow money to buy a depreciating asset? You are paying interest on something that is worth less every year? And the dealer will charge you a lot more than the going rate for a cash buyer... last year I bought a Mercedes-Benz 190E, one owner, low miles, alloys, 10-CD, leather, FSH, a truly superb drive, fast, smooth, economical (reasonably) and safe, for less than Two Weeks Pay. (I am a bit of a collector, and have others, just for fun.) What I'm NOT paying out on car finance goes off my mortgage, which has now just £15,000 to go. Pay interest on a mortgage, for a house, but not for a car! It's called 'banger-nomics' - I could sell that Merc today for what I paid for it. By next year, it will still be worth at least One Weeks Pay, hell, in two years it still will! If it depreciated to absolutely no value at all, it will still only cost me... Two Weeks Pay! If you 'buy' a car on finance, it's not yours until the last payment. A car worth £3,000 cash will sell for £4,000 to a credit buyer, and after the five years of payments, when you've paid about £7,000, including the interest, the car will be worth about £1000 - you have lost the £7000 in payments, and you lost the drop from £3000 to £1000. That's another £2000. Your £3000 (cash) car cost you £9000!!!! That's wayyyy more than Two Weeks Pay - and who wants to marry a car for five years anyway?
Last year a workmate of mine paid £3200 for a Vectra on a finance deal. Interset will add about £2600 to that.
I saw one a week later, just the same, sell on eBay for £780, cash on collection.
For cars, it has to be cash! Furthermore, people buying on credit tend to overstretch themselves, and don't have the money to service and maintain the car properly. This causes further falls in its' value...
Cash is king. When you're holdin' the foldin', and you let them see it, they don't want you to leave, they will reduce the price for you. They want your money!
Reply:it will effect u but try that yes car credit they say they give credit to anyone but sure they will charge you a higher rate of interest
Reply:u will find it nr impossible to get finance if u got no credit rating sorry
Reply:if ..and its a big if you can find some one to accept you for credit ..they will take you to the cleaners with their interest rates maybe closer to 30% than 5%..it realy pays to keep your nose clean
Reply:Yes depending on your finaces now. Be prepared to get a high repayment scheme and not a lot of credit though.
How do i start a career in finance?
i have a b.a. in biochemistry (2.8). i had a really low gpa so i got a masters in biology (3.8). instead of doing science, i've just decided to go into finance (possibly a data analyst position to start with). however, i have no job experience in finance. i've only taken stats, calc, and two intro accounting courses. please help!
How do i start a career in finance?
apply for entry level banking jobs -- at least you will get you foot in the door!!!
How do i start a career in finance?
apply for entry level banking jobs -- at least you will get you foot in the door!!!
Which of the 4 universities is the best for Msc in Finance?
Hi everyone, I am thinking of pursuing a masters in finance in the UK. I have 4 business schools in mind, Cass business school, Imperial College Business School, Warwick business school, and Lancaster Business School. I believe all 4 allows me to take up courses on C.F.A. If you are choosing these 4 uni, how will you rank them and why? Which one has the best reputation internationally, and in the UK? Are there any better ones in the UK? Thanks.
Which of the 4 universities is the best for Msc in Finance?
i know warwick business chool is really good. I think LSE is the best business school in the uk but i dont know if they have that course. Youll have to check. Btw im a second year accounting and finance student at lse.
Which of the 4 universities is the best for Msc in Finance?
i know warwick business chool is really good. I think LSE is the best business school in the uk but i dont know if they have that course. Youll have to check. Btw im a second year accounting and finance student at lse.
Does anyone know any finance companies in Minnesota who do personal or signarure loans?
Keep in mind my credit is poor, but not horrible. I am not looking for a payday loan..just a finance company who works with slightly high risk customers. Minnesota, South Dakota, or North Dakota leads only, please.
Does anyone know any finance companies in Minnesota who do personal or signarure loans?
American General, Wells Fargo Financial
Also, a good resource is...
Best of luck to you.
Reply:There used to be a time when it was very difficult and perhaps even impossible to get a personal loan if one had bad credit. Many people think that still holds true today but in today's information society and culture, bad credit does not need to hold you back from getting a personal loan, you just need to know where to look.
Most traditional banks and credit unions will still tend to turn up their nose at you if you are requesting a loan from them and they see that you have bad credit But what more and more lenders are starting to realize is that bad credit does not occur for the same reasons across the board.
Does anyone know any finance companies in Minnesota who do personal or signarure loans?
American General, Wells Fargo Financial
Also, a good resource is...
Best of luck to you.
Reply:There used to be a time when it was very difficult and perhaps even impossible to get a personal loan if one had bad credit. Many people think that still holds true today but in today's information society and culture, bad credit does not need to hold you back from getting a personal loan, you just need to know where to look.
Most traditional banks and credit unions will still tend to turn up their nose at you if you are requesting a loan from them and they see that you have bad credit But what more and more lenders are starting to realize is that bad credit does not occur for the same reasons across the board.
Could a car finance company finance me?
I want to buy a 2008 Subaru Impreza 5 door. I just quit my job on Friday and planning to get a new job next week. This is my 2nd job I've quit. The First job i had I lasted 6 mos, but I moved. I got a second job, but quit because of differences in the employees. But, since I want to get my car the first week on my new job, will the finance company finance me?
Could a car finance company finance me?
your answer is your beacon score....if you are an 800 you can get anything. 500 and you better have 95% downpayment!
Reply:if u go to a place that has in house financing, they should be able to finance you. they usually just require that you have 2 years total work history. they may call to verify that you work at the new employer first so make sure that you have started first before going
Reply:If you have a good credit score, changing jobs isn't a big deal. If you are.. um... credit challenged then they look more strongly at stability in residence and time on the job.
Could a car finance company finance me?
your answer is your beacon score....if you are an 800 you can get anything. 500 and you better have 95% downpayment!
Reply:if u go to a place that has in house financing, they should be able to finance you. they usually just require that you have 2 years total work history. they may call to verify that you work at the new employer first so make sure that you have started first before going
Reply:If you have a good credit score, changing jobs isn't a big deal. If you are.. um... credit challenged then they look more strongly at stability in residence and time on the job.
What are the banks that offer Islamic finance Options in India or UAE?
Am residing in Dubai. I want to know any bank in India is offering NRI home loans offering Islamic (Murabaha) financing options? Islamic Banks here in th UAE which has this option does not seem to finance for home purchase abroad (in India) . Is there any bank here in UAE which offers this??Please help..
What are the banks that offer Islamic finance Options in India or UAE?
Why don't you check HSBC Amanah. It's the Islamic banking division of HSBC.
Reply:Hi, mate. This is a good reference around global finance. Download free magazine only from this url http://homeprofitsguide.tradepub.com/c/p...
Global Finance delivers the full story; corporate finance, joint ventures and M%26amp;A, country profiles, capital markets, investor relations, currencies, banking, risk management, custody, direct investment, money management and all the rest-specifically tailored for corporate readers around the world. http://homeprofitsguide.tradepub.com/c/p...
What are the banks that offer Islamic finance Options in India or UAE?
Why don't you check HSBC Amanah. It's the Islamic banking division of HSBC.
Reply:Hi, mate. This is a good reference around global finance. Download free magazine only from this url http://homeprofitsguide.tradepub.com/c/p...
Global Finance delivers the full story; corporate finance, joint ventures and M%26amp;A, country profiles, capital markets, investor relations, currencies, banking, risk management, custody, direct investment, money management and all the rest-specifically tailored for corporate readers around the world. http://homeprofitsguide.tradepub.com/c/p...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
How many of you think that they should teach kids how to manage money in highschool? Like a finance class?
Make finance class a requirement to graduate? Wouldn't that help, in the future, keep our citizens out of debt?
How many of you think that they should teach kids how to manage money in highschool? Like a finance class?
Absolutely! My wife and I have talked to our local educators for years about this topic. I have felt the one area we and all our friends we not prepared for was finance. It was not addressed by parents, secondary ed, and in most non business fields - even college did little in this area.
We have begun teaching our children on our own. The school system claims they do not have the time to cover additional material.
It is a shame that debt is looked upon as the result of individual irresponsibility. A freshman in college is assaulted by credit card offers while on campus but not given any preparation to handle the responsibility.
Reply:I think they should make it a requirement. I cant tell you how many graduates cant balance a check book or have any concept of what the debt problem credit cards cause. I would vote for it.
Reply:No doubt about it, I was just thinking about that a couple of weeks ago.
Reply:Ideally, it's a good idea. In actual practice, I don't think it would do any good. People are hard headed, %26amp; young people have a tendency to think they already know everything. I should know, I am one. LOL.
Reply:I think it's a must. Honestly a lot of classes in high school are ridiculous. I never use chemistry or algebra, they need to teach cooking, finances, etiquette, nameless things that you use in everyday life. Oh another one childcare and raising kids.
Reply:Absolutely! Especially if it focuses on personal finance.
Reply:Absolutely, then maybe we will get a president who really knows what to do to get the economy pumping. We will have a society of people who are not wasteful. We will spend less on welfare and I will get to keep more of my tax dollars. Yehhhhhhh
Reply:Thats a great idea but I think it should begin in grade school with parents.
Whenever my daughter gets money she has to spend half on what she needs 1/4 on what she wants and the rest goes in to savings.
Reply:they doo back when i was in school in 02, i took this class... jus all schools dont hav it
Reply:Something basic would be a good idea, but don't even wait until the senior year. I would think 10th grade, the same time they are starting driving lessons, would be a good time.
However, I think it would be challenging to get into all programs. Kids are a HUGE market spending billions and later on even more on credit when they are on their own.
Nice thought. I'll try to remember to teach my kids that when they are old enough.
Reply:Are you kidding me? They should teach a course like that in JUNIOR HIGH!!!!!!!!!!! Like grade 7. And keep it going throughout high school! Let's take this one step further.................this course should be given in night school for adults, too!
Reply:Definitely! A personnel finance class would help a lot of young people get a better start. I've never understood why there aren't a lot of classes that would help live on their own. High School is too geared to kids going on to college instead of getting you ready for life.
Reply:they have one hun. i took it,called Financial Planning
How many of you think that they should teach kids how to manage money in highschool? Like a finance class?
Absolutely! My wife and I have talked to our local educators for years about this topic. I have felt the one area we and all our friends we not prepared for was finance. It was not addressed by parents, secondary ed, and in most non business fields - even college did little in this area.
We have begun teaching our children on our own. The school system claims they do not have the time to cover additional material.
It is a shame that debt is looked upon as the result of individual irresponsibility. A freshman in college is assaulted by credit card offers while on campus but not given any preparation to handle the responsibility.
Reply:I think they should make it a requirement. I cant tell you how many graduates cant balance a check book or have any concept of what the debt problem credit cards cause. I would vote for it.
Reply:No doubt about it, I was just thinking about that a couple of weeks ago.
Reply:Ideally, it's a good idea. In actual practice, I don't think it would do any good. People are hard headed, %26amp; young people have a tendency to think they already know everything. I should know, I am one. LOL.
Reply:I think it's a must. Honestly a lot of classes in high school are ridiculous. I never use chemistry or algebra, they need to teach cooking, finances, etiquette, nameless things that you use in everyday life. Oh another one childcare and raising kids.
Reply:Absolutely! Especially if it focuses on personal finance.
Reply:Absolutely, then maybe we will get a president who really knows what to do to get the economy pumping. We will have a society of people who are not wasteful. We will spend less on welfare and I will get to keep more of my tax dollars. Yehhhhhhh
Reply:Thats a great idea but I think it should begin in grade school with parents.
Whenever my daughter gets money she has to spend half on what she needs 1/4 on what she wants and the rest goes in to savings.
Reply:they doo back when i was in school in 02, i took this class... jus all schools dont hav it
Reply:Something basic would be a good idea, but don't even wait until the senior year. I would think 10th grade, the same time they are starting driving lessons, would be a good time.
However, I think it would be challenging to get into all programs. Kids are a HUGE market spending billions and later on even more on credit when they are on their own.
Nice thought. I'll try to remember to teach my kids that when they are old enough.
Reply:Are you kidding me? They should teach a course like that in JUNIOR HIGH!!!!!!!!!!! Like grade 7. And keep it going throughout high school! Let's take this one step further.................this course should be given in night school for adults, too!
Reply:Definitely! A personnel finance class would help a lot of young people get a better start. I've never understood why there aren't a lot of classes that would help live on their own. High School is too geared to kids going on to college instead of getting you ready for life.
Reply:they have one hun. i took it,called Financial Planning
How can an extensive math background help land a career in finance?
I am wondering if taking a specialization in Actuarial Science, which includes extensive math and statistics courses, will help me get a better job. If so, what careers in finance would want someone with an extensive math and stats background? I am looking for something that deals with investing.
-- Also, I am not interested in the insurance business of actuarial science.
How can an extensive math background help land a career in finance?
math will help you get about any job you want.
Reply:Quants or Quantitative Analysts are in high demand always for finance jobs in New York City. The trend has been for the markets to become more mathematically complicated over the past years. Some derivatives, such as american options, and Collateralized Mortgage Obligations can only be valued accurately using mathematical models.
I had a double major, math and statistics and worked on Wall Street for a few years pricing Mortgage Backed Securities. The uncertainty from defaults and prepayments means that you need a probability model to estimate their value. This was one of many math/stat finance related jobs that I encountered there.
Plus, my experience, math is more respected than finance which most people see as a cake subject.
As for an actuarial background, most people would probably assume you are pursuing an insurance career. Maybe a double major of math and statistics? I suppose you could explain your background later in person but it may initially turn some people off. Also in my experience, math/stat background plus programming experience in C/C++ is a really good combination for finding a job.
Here is a recruiting firm that looks for people with quantitative backgrounds for wall street jobs:
Reply:Remember employers now-a-days are more concerned with experience than education. I can't even begin to tell you how many 20 somethings in America with business degrees making %26lt;30k a year because they have limited work experience.
-- Also, I am not interested in the insurance business of actuarial science.
How can an extensive math background help land a career in finance?
math will help you get about any job you want.
Reply:Quants or Quantitative Analysts are in high demand always for finance jobs in New York City. The trend has been for the markets to become more mathematically complicated over the past years. Some derivatives, such as american options, and Collateralized Mortgage Obligations can only be valued accurately using mathematical models.
I had a double major, math and statistics and worked on Wall Street for a few years pricing Mortgage Backed Securities. The uncertainty from defaults and prepayments means that you need a probability model to estimate their value. This was one of many math/stat finance related jobs that I encountered there.
Plus, my experience, math is more respected than finance which most people see as a cake subject.
As for an actuarial background, most people would probably assume you are pursuing an insurance career. Maybe a double major of math and statistics? I suppose you could explain your background later in person but it may initially turn some people off. Also in my experience, math/stat background plus programming experience in C/C++ is a really good combination for finding a job.
Here is a recruiting firm that looks for people with quantitative backgrounds for wall street jobs:
Reply:Remember employers now-a-days are more concerned with experience than education. I can't even begin to tell you how many 20 somethings in America with business degrees making %26lt;30k a year because they have limited work experience.
How do i get finance for my clients?
Hi have started a computer sales business and i find hard for some customers to buy without any finance. I have looked to some financial companies but they require a minimum turnover of £1m. Can someone help.
Thank you,
How do i get finance for my clients?
go to small business banks - local banks, etc
Reply:Do you want me to rend you some money? I can not because as the going says in my country...The cashier's desk's empty!
Reply:You could always do your own financing. It's risky, but also an added area of revenue (interest on the loan). You could also rent to own the equipment you sell.
If you do decide to do your own financing, be sure to have a lawyer with this type of experience draw up the loan agreement. Same goes if you decide to do rent to own.
Thank you,
How do i get finance for my clients?
go to small business banks - local banks, etc
Reply:Do you want me to rend you some money? I can not because as the going says in my country...The cashier's desk's empty!
Reply:You could always do your own financing. It's risky, but also an added area of revenue (interest on the loan). You could also rent to own the equipment you sell.
If you do decide to do your own financing, be sure to have a lawyer with this type of experience draw up the loan agreement. Same goes if you decide to do rent to own.
Would a bank help finance us if we were to build a house ourselves?
We are planning to move once our house sells. Our hope is to build the house ourselves. We feel realistcally we will probably have $25k as a down payment for the land and home. Will a bank finance us if we were to be the builder??
The biggest issue is our credit has been hurt as we have a Chp.7 BK....is this an automatic NO from the lender? Also we plan to build the house including land for no more than $115k....any ideas out there???
Would a bank help finance us if we were to build a house ourselves?
AJ, have you talked with others that have generaled their own homes in the past? Do you honestly know what is involved? While I appreciate you're trying to save money, due to your financial history, you may be wiser to purchase something that needs some TLC or moderate rehab and making due for a few years. I talked with a fellow once when I sold new construction. He was telling me he had been trying to get his house finished for 3 years. That if he had know what was involved with generallying his own home, he never would have gone that route. Just a simple story, but true.
As for finding financing, what I suggest is talk with several local lenders in your area. If you qualify for FHA there are programs that will pay your down payment and/or closing costs up to 6% of the sales prices. Not a bad deal. There are a boat loan of foreclosures out there just waiting to be spit shined and made into a comfortable home for a family.
Talk with lenders - get preapproved - find a Realtor knowledgeable in writing offers on foreclosures/bank owned properties... Oh and don't bother to use an agent that lists these types of properties, they won't even call you back their so busy...
If you can't qualify, look at it this way, at least you won't have gone throught the agony of searching and falling in love before your know you couldn't purchase. Spend the next year to 2 working on repairing/improving your credit, so that when the time does come, you won't be limited by terms on a loan in qualifying.
I do wish you all the best!
Reply:Regardless of credit history it will be difficult to find a lender that is willing to finance such a venture. Most lenders will not go near this for fear that the project will either come to a stand still, will not get building approval or fall down with no one to sue for negligence.
Sorry. it sounds like a great adventure though,
purchase flowers
The biggest issue is our credit has been hurt as we have a Chp.7 BK....is this an automatic NO from the lender? Also we plan to build the house including land for no more than $115k....any ideas out there???
Would a bank help finance us if we were to build a house ourselves?
AJ, have you talked with others that have generaled their own homes in the past? Do you honestly know what is involved? While I appreciate you're trying to save money, due to your financial history, you may be wiser to purchase something that needs some TLC or moderate rehab and making due for a few years. I talked with a fellow once when I sold new construction. He was telling me he had been trying to get his house finished for 3 years. That if he had know what was involved with generallying his own home, he never would have gone that route. Just a simple story, but true.
As for finding financing, what I suggest is talk with several local lenders in your area. If you qualify for FHA there are programs that will pay your down payment and/or closing costs up to 6% of the sales prices. Not a bad deal. There are a boat loan of foreclosures out there just waiting to be spit shined and made into a comfortable home for a family.
Talk with lenders - get preapproved - find a Realtor knowledgeable in writing offers on foreclosures/bank owned properties... Oh and don't bother to use an agent that lists these types of properties, they won't even call you back their so busy...
If you can't qualify, look at it this way, at least you won't have gone throught the agony of searching and falling in love before your know you couldn't purchase. Spend the next year to 2 working on repairing/improving your credit, so that when the time does come, you won't be limited by terms on a loan in qualifying.
I do wish you all the best!
Reply:Regardless of credit history it will be difficult to find a lender that is willing to finance such a venture. Most lenders will not go near this for fear that the project will either come to a stand still, will not get building approval or fall down with no one to sue for negligence.
Sorry. it sounds like a great adventure though,
purchase flowers
I need the format of a contact between a company and an individual to render services of a finance director?
The agreement will specify that it is updated on annual basis, can be terminated by either party giving one month's notice. The individual must obsreve confidentiality while discharging the duties of the finance director.
I need the format of a contact between a company and an individual to render services of a finance director?
You've described a few of the "deal points" and undoubtedly have negotiated several others, which is an excellent start. At this stage, make "doubly sure" (confirm it in writing if possible) that your company will have no contract with the "prospective" finance director "unless and until they have finalized and executed a written agreement".
Then, before you ask your attorney to draft the contract, you should make a list of the deal points, including:
(1) Term. What is the contract term? You said "updated on an annual basis" but "can be terminated by either party giving one month's notice" -- which sounds like a one-month contract, but this should be clarified. If the prospective employee is particularly valuable to your company, and especially if there will be a significant amount of training, then you may want to consider a longer-term contract which is "back-loaded" with bonuses -- so that the employee has to remain with the company in order to receive the "back-loaded" compensation.
(2) Compensation and Benefits. This includes base pay, bonuses, annual increases, profit participation, 401k contributions, expense account, company car, travel benefits (with family?), vacation, sick days, etc.
(3) Working Hours. What are the expected working hours (per day, per week, per month)? What happens if the expected hours are significantly exceeded? What happens if they are significantly less than agreed?
(4) Duties. Make a precise list of the duties and responsibilities of the employee. Include a precise list of the authority of the employee with respect to (in this case) signing on the corporate bank account(s), supervising auditors, preparing tax returns and other government reports, etc.
(5) Early Termination. What happens if the employee quits before the contract term? What happens if the employee is terminated involuntarily ("fired") before the contract term, either "for cause" (he's caught stealing) or "without cause"?
(6) Post-Contract Provisions. You negotiated a confidentiality provision (excellent) but limit it to the time "while discharging the duties of the finance director". Consider whether to expand this into a post-contract provision, which would restrict the employee, after the contract term, from disclosing any company information (this has to be carefully drafted by competent counsel, in order to be enforceable, but you should first negotiate this as a "deal point", if you want it) -- called an NDA ("non-disclosure agreement"). You may also want to add a narrow "non-competition agreement", to prevent your finance director from starting a competitive company or being lured away by an existing competitor, who would then be able to learn about your customers, vendors, products, etc.
After you have reached a "tentative agreement" (remember to clarify in writing that there is no binding contract until it is in writing and signed!!), then work with your attorney to draft the entire agreement.
Note that a properly drafted employment contract for a senior executive may exceed 50 pages in length, in order for it to be both clear and enforceable legally. If you are not prepared to spend the time and fees to negotiate such a contract, then consider whether or not a "handshake" agreement would provide more protection for the company, because a poorly written contract is usually worse for the company than no written contract at all.
Hope this helps.
Reply:that is a contract that should be custom drafted by an attorney. there is no form for every legal problem, as misconception has it. why would law school be 3 yrs and require 4 yrs of undergrad before it and a bar exam after it, if the whole thing was, 'here's the form book, fellas!'???
wise up and hire a lawyer.
I need the format of a contact between a company and an individual to render services of a finance director?
You've described a few of the "deal points" and undoubtedly have negotiated several others, which is an excellent start. At this stage, make "doubly sure" (confirm it in writing if possible) that your company will have no contract with the "prospective" finance director "unless and until they have finalized and executed a written agreement".
Then, before you ask your attorney to draft the contract, you should make a list of the deal points, including:
(1) Term. What is the contract term? You said "updated on an annual basis" but "can be terminated by either party giving one month's notice" -- which sounds like a one-month contract, but this should be clarified. If the prospective employee is particularly valuable to your company, and especially if there will be a significant amount of training, then you may want to consider a longer-term contract which is "back-loaded" with bonuses -- so that the employee has to remain with the company in order to receive the "back-loaded" compensation.
(2) Compensation and Benefits. This includes base pay, bonuses, annual increases, profit participation, 401k contributions, expense account, company car, travel benefits (with family?), vacation, sick days, etc.
(3) Working Hours. What are the expected working hours (per day, per week, per month)? What happens if the expected hours are significantly exceeded? What happens if they are significantly less than agreed?
(4) Duties. Make a precise list of the duties and responsibilities of the employee. Include a precise list of the authority of the employee with respect to (in this case) signing on the corporate bank account(s), supervising auditors, preparing tax returns and other government reports, etc.
(5) Early Termination. What happens if the employee quits before the contract term? What happens if the employee is terminated involuntarily ("fired") before the contract term, either "for cause" (he's caught stealing) or "without cause"?
(6) Post-Contract Provisions. You negotiated a confidentiality provision (excellent) but limit it to the time "while discharging the duties of the finance director". Consider whether to expand this into a post-contract provision, which would restrict the employee, after the contract term, from disclosing any company information (this has to be carefully drafted by competent counsel, in order to be enforceable, but you should first negotiate this as a "deal point", if you want it) -- called an NDA ("non-disclosure agreement"). You may also want to add a narrow "non-competition agreement", to prevent your finance director from starting a competitive company or being lured away by an existing competitor, who would then be able to learn about your customers, vendors, products, etc.
After you have reached a "tentative agreement" (remember to clarify in writing that there is no binding contract until it is in writing and signed!!), then work with your attorney to draft the entire agreement.
Note that a properly drafted employment contract for a senior executive may exceed 50 pages in length, in order for it to be both clear and enforceable legally. If you are not prepared to spend the time and fees to negotiate such a contract, then consider whether or not a "handshake" agreement would provide more protection for the company, because a poorly written contract is usually worse for the company than no written contract at all.
Hope this helps.
Reply:that is a contract that should be custom drafted by an attorney. there is no form for every legal problem, as misconception has it. why would law school be 3 yrs and require 4 yrs of undergrad before it and a bar exam after it, if the whole thing was, 'here's the form book, fellas!'???
wise up and hire a lawyer.
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