Friday, March 12, 2010

How does managment work in in finance?

In large US and UK companies how does the finance part of the company work, the CFO is the top, who do they have under them? How powerful is the CFO in regards to the entire business. Is CFO the common term in big US and UK companies or are they know by other titles? Thanks guys!!!!!

How does managment work in in finance?
An effective CFO plays a number of important roles within the entrepreneurial company that are essential in providing a strong financial foundation for a growing business

1.Implements/Supervises Internal Controls

Those controls should include the effective management of cash flow and overhead expenses, establishing credit policies for customers and working with major vendors to achieve more favorable payment terms, and implementing procedures for measuring and evaluating optimal inventory levels

2.Handles Projects With Major Financial Impact

3.Cultivates Relationships With Outside Financing Sources

4.Drives Major Strategic (long term) Issues

5.Serves As Key Advisor To Company Management

No doubt the CFO holds great amount of authority and power as he is able to direct the money of a business.But this also depends upon the structure of the company's governance and the culture.

And its a common term all over the world however there might be slight changes in the role due to the size,nature and the requirement of the business

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