Friday, November 6, 2009

Best schools for an undergrad finance program?

Please help. One of my students is going to the states to study finance and has asked me what school has the best program. He's considering washington, Austin, Villanova, Boston and illinois.. Cheers.

Best schools for an undergrad finance program?
I understand the University of Texas at Austin, Villanova, and the University of Illinois. "Washington" could be Washington University, the University of Washington, or George Washington University. Boston could be Boston College or Boston University, which are two different schools. All are good schools. I would probably see Washington University as the best, if that is one of the schools he is considering. Perhaps I would see Boston College as next best, primarily because of its location in a city with a substantial financial community. However, while the others are more removed from the financial centers in this country (and I wouldn't put Villanova's undergrad program at quite the same level as the others), they are also very good schools.

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